\maketitle 错误 - 控制序列未定义

\maketitle 错误 - 控制序列未定义


% This is an example temple for the courseoutline.cls by Norm Gall
% I have used every new macro and environment.
% If you have tutorials, add ta to the options field in \documentclass
% Please read the .cls for any further explanations.
\university{No Name University}
\department{blah blah}
\coursename{Water and Landscapes}
\coursenumber{blah blah}
\coursesection{(sec. 101)}
\coursesession{Fall 2017-18}
\coursetime{Mo--We--Fr 10.00--11.00hrs}
\courselocation{blah blah}
\coursewebpage{blah blah}
\instructor{blah blah}
\instructoroffice{rm. 127, Geography}
\instructorofficehours{We--Fr 11.00--12.00hrs}
\instructorphone{(604) 822--9105}
\instructoremail{blah blah}
\ta{blah blah}
\taoffice{blah blah}
\taofficehours{available during scheduled labs}
        (D) Tu 10.00--11.00hrs\\
        (E) Tu 13.00--14.00hrs\\
        (F) Tu 14.00--15.00hrs\\
        (G) We 12.00--13.00hrs\\
        (H) We 13.00--14.00hrs\\
        (I) Th 11.00--12.00hrs\\
        (J) Th 12.00--13.00hrs
        rm 130\\
        rm 130\\
        rm 130\\
        rm 130\\
        rm 130\\
        rm 130\\
        rm 130\\
\markright{Water and Landscapes}

    \item Bierman and Montgomery, 2013. \textit{Key Concepts in Geomorphology} (ISBN-10: 1-4292-3860-7). MacMillan.
    \texttt{PLEASE NOTE: this textbook is MANDATORY, and is not equivalent to any previously used textbooks for this course}.




% - Main Code ------------------------------------------
%     some definitions 
\def\coursesession#1{\gdef\@coursesession{Session: #1}}
\def\coursetime#1{\gdef\@coursetime{Lecture Times: #1}}
\def\courselocation#1{\gdef\@courselocation{Room: #1}}
\def\coursewebpage#1{\gdef\@coursewebpage{website: #1}}
\def\instructor#1{\gdef\@instructor{Instructor: #1}}
\def\instructorphone#1{\gdef\@instructorphone{Office Phone: #1}}
\def\instructoremail#1{\gdef\@instructoremail{E-mail: #1}}
\def\ta#1{\gdef\@ta{Teaching Assistant: #1}}
\def\taoffice#1{\gdef\@taoffice{Office: #1}}
\def\taofficehours#1{\gdef\@taofficehours{Office Hours: #1}}
\def\taphone#1{\gdef\@taphone{Office Phone: #1}}
\def\taemail#1{\gdef\@taemail{E-mail: #1}}



该代码确实创建了一个 .pdf,看起来不错,但如果知道问题的根源就更好了。




% This is an example temple for the courseoutline.cls by Norm Gall
% I have used every new macro and environment.
% If you have tutorials, add ta to the options field in \documentclass
% Please read the .cls for any further explanations.
\university{No Name University}
\department{blah blah}
\coursename{Water and Landscapes}
\coursenumber{blah blah}
\coursesection{(sec. 101)}
\coursesession{Fall 2017-18}
\coursetime{Mo--We--Fr 10.00--11.00hrs}
\courselocation{blah blah}
\coursewebpage{blah blah}
\instructor{blah blah}
\instructoroffice{rm. 127, Geography}
\instructorofficehours{We--Fr 11.00--12.00hrs}
\instructorphone{(604) 822--9105}
\instructoremail{blah blah}
\ta{blah blah}
\taoffice{blah blah}
\taofficehours{available during scheduled labs}
\taemail{[email protected]}
        (D) Tu 10.00--11.00hrs\\
        (E) Tu 13.00--14.00hrs\\
        (F) Tu 14.00--15.00hrs\\
        (G) We 12.00--13.00hrs\\
        (H) We 13.00--14.00hrs\\
        (I) Th 11.00--12.00hrs\\
        (J) Th 12.00--13.00hrs
        rm 130\\
        rm 130\\
        rm 130\\
        rm 130\\
        rm 130\\
        rm 130\\
        rm 130\\
\markright{Water and Landscapes}

        \item Bierman and Montgomery, 2013. \textit{Key Concepts in Geomorphology} (ISBN-10: 1-4292-3860-7). MacMillan.
        \texttt{PLEASE NOTE: this textbook is MANDATORY, and is not equivalent to any previously used textbooks for this course}.


