我使用 Mendeley 来管理我的参考书目、pdf 文件并生成 BibTeX 文件。它有一个严重的错误:标题中的斜体字(例如,生物的科学名称)被写入 .bib 文件,如下所示
{\textless}i{\textgreater}Hordeum spontaneum{\textless}/i{\textgreater}
\textit{Hordeum spontaneum}.
换句话说,他们正在翻译类似 html 的内容姓名转换为 LaTeX。当然,LaTeX 会逐字打印。
在他们的帮助论坛上,各种各样的人怎么恳求他们都没能解决这个问题。替代方案要么是使用搜索/替换功能浏览 .bib 文件,要么是运行某人编写的 Python 脚本来执行相同操作。困难在于每次 Mendeley 覆盖 .bib 文件时,即每次编辑任何条目时,都必须执行此操作。
但我突然想到可能有一种方法(远远超出了我对 BibTeX 的掌握)可以在 .tex 代码中写入一些内容,本质上是这样的,
\AtEveryBibItem{if the title contains {\textless}i{\textgreater} }{replace it with \textit{ }{}
\AtEveryBibItem{if the title contains {\textless}\i{\textgreater} }{replace it with } }{}
\documentclass[nobib, sfsidenotes]{tufte-book}
\usepackage[natbib, bibstyle=authoryear, dashed=true, backend=biber,
doi=false, url=false, arxiv=false, isbn=false, eprint=false,
autocite=inline, backref=true, citestyle=verbose, giveninits=true]
author = {King, E G and Roff, D A and Fairbairn, D J},
journal = {Journal of Evolutionary Biology},
language = {en},
number = {2},
pages = {256--264},
shorttitle = {Trade-off acquisition and allocation in Gryllus fi},
title = {{Trade-off acquisition and allocation in
{\textless}i{\textgreater}Gryllus firmus{\textless}/i{\textgreater}: a
test of the Y model}},
volume = {24},
year = {2011}
% Get rid of "In:"
% Add colon and space after volume
% Get rid of paretheses around year
ibidtracker=constrict, loccittracker=constrict}%,
% Biber directives to prevent use of number and month fields, prevents
printing in journal entries
\maps[datatype=bibtex, overwrite]{
\step[fieldset=number, null]
\step[fieldset=month, null]
% turn off quote marks for titles
backrefpage = {page},% originally "cited on page"
backrefpages = {pages},% originally "cited on pages"
% Get rid of extraneous language info %
No offense to the author, but I read this and I'm just getting crickets: \donecite{Cat1}{King2011}
\ifx i#1\begingroup\itshape#3\else
\ifx /#1\endgroup\fi\fi}
Please don't use {\textless}i{\textgreater}this{\textless}/i{\textgreater},
fix the {\textless}i{\textgreater}input{\textless}/i{\textgreater} instead!
author = {King, E G and Roff, D A and Fairbairn, D J},
journal = {Journal of Evolutionary Biology},
language = {en},
number = {2},
pages = {256--264},
shorttitle = {Trade-off acquisition and allocation in Gryllus fi},
title = {{Trade-off acquisition and allocation in
{\textless}i{\textgreater}Gryllus firmus{\textless}/i{\textgreater}: a
test of the Y model}},
volume = {24},
year = {2011}
\maps[datatype = bibtex]{
\step[fieldsource = title,
match = \regexp{{<}i{>}},
replace = \regexp{\\textit\{}]
\step[fieldsource = title,
match = \regexp{{<}/i{>}},
replace = \regexp{\}}]
No offense to the author, but I read this and I'm just getting crickets: \cite{King2011}
生成的 .bbl 文件包含以下条目:
\field{title}{{Trade-off acquisition and allocation in \textit{Gryllus firmus}: a test of the Y model}}
经过一番折腾,我放弃了在 TeX 中修复的解决方案(并接受 David 的初始答案)。网上有一个 Python(2.7)脚本,稍加改动就可以使用 - 请参阅 https://itskathylam.wordpress.com/2016/01/12/dealing-with-italics-in-bibtex-files-exported-from-mendeley/。我必须稍微调整一下才能让它工作,但它在我的电脑上运行良好。