我认为这只是大写的 Y mathpazo
Let $i=1,\ldots,N$ denote the $N$ experimental units
and $Y_i$ the $i$'th response variable.
Now we also supose that we have a covariate $x_i$ for
each experimental unit.
The experiment can be with one or more factors, with or
without blocks, and almost any experimental design.
However, in order to illustrate the use of the covariate
we consider a single \linebreak
factor and a one-way analysis of a
variance model in the situation where the covariate was
not used. Let $\mathtt{TREAT}$ be the factor in the
experiment with the $k$ levels $\mathtt{treat}_1$, $\ldots$,
$\mathtt{treat}_k$. If $\mathtt{TREAT}_i$ denotes the
treatment of the $i$'th experimental unit, so that
$\mathtt{TREAT}_i$ is identical to one of the treatments
$\mathtt{treat}_1$, $\ldots$, $\mathtt{treat}_k$, we can write
the one-way analysis of variance model as
Y_i = \alpha(\mathtt{TREAT}_i) + \epsilon_i,
supplemented with the usual assumptions that $\epsilon_1,
\ldots,\epsilon_N$ are independent and normally
distributed with the same variance $\sigma^2$.
请原谅我的错别字... :-)