我遇到了 ${\mathbf{}}$ 仍然存在的问题,即使我关闭了 $\mathbf$ 标签也是如此。查看我的顾问的模板,我插入了一行代码,它停止了这种情况——但是,尝试切换到黑板粗体时,字体反而变粗了。在我插入顾问的那行代码之前,并没有发生这种情况。我该怎么做才能取消剩余字体的粗体?可能是字体重置之类的操作……
% custom definition of \Cal, to use variations of symbols not readily available in other pkgs
% see below for printscreen at bottom of post illustrating one of the differences.
% moving the next line to the top of the file results in a third type of font stuck-ing
% advisor's line; try compiling with and without it, to see the different problems
$\mathbb Q$ {\textbf{gen}} $\mathbb Q$ ${\mathbf{gen}}$ $\mathbb Q$ $asdf$
$\backslash$Cal O: $\Cal O$; $\backslash$mathcal O: $\mathcal O$
不同字体的 O 会导致这种情况,这对于我正在做的事情来说是不可接受的:
% advisor's line; try compiling with and without it, to see the different problems
$\mathbb Q$ {\textbf{gen}} $\mathbb Q$ ${\mathbf{gen}}$ $\mathbb Q$ $asdf$
\texttt{\char`\\mathcal\{O\}}: $\mathcal{O}$
\texttt{\char`\\mathscr\{O\}}: $\mathscr{O}$