

当我参考我的博士论文第 2 章时,我试图得到好的数字,但没有成功。


% Manuscrit.tex ----> Main files


\usepackage{glossaries} % Ensures that all acronyms are defined once

\newacronym{qgp}{QGP}{Quark Gluon Plasma}
\newacronym{epos}{EPOS}{Energy conserving multiple scattering Partons, parton ladders, and strings Off-shell remnants Saturation}
\newacronym{ckm}{CKM}{Cabibbo Kobayashi Maskawa}
\newacronym{sm}{SM}{Standard Model}
\newacronym{qcd}{QCD}{Quantum ChromoDynamics}
% and other acronym





在 Introduction.tex 文件中:




在 Chapitre_1.tex 中:



Blabla ....
Finally, we will see few programs that we created to study the \acrlong{qgp} with particles colliders and the connection with my Ph.D work.

\chapter{High energy Physics - Matter - Quark-Gluon-Plasma}

\section{Standard Model describes the known matter}

Symbol & Description & Value \\ 
$m_e$ & Electron Mass & 511 KeV \\ 
$m_\mu$ & Muon Mass & 105.7 MeV \\ 
$m_\tau$ & Tau Mass & 1.78 GeV \\ 
$m_u$ & Up Quark Mass & 1.9 MeV \\ 
$m_d$ & Down Quark Mass & 4.4 MeV \\ 
$m_s$ & Strange Quark Mass & 87 MeV \\ 
$m_c$ & Charm Quark Mass & 1.32 GeV \\ 
$m_b$ & Beauty or Bottom Quark Mass & 4.24 GeV \\ 
$m_t$ & Truth or Top Quark Mass & 172.7 GeV \\ 
$\omega_{12}$ & \gls{ckm} 12-mixing angle & 13.1  \\ 
$\omega_{23}$ & \gls{ckm} 23-mixing angle & 2.4  \\ 
$\omega_{13}$ & \gls{ckm} 13-mixing angle & 0.2  \\ 
$\delta$ & \gls{ckm} CP-violating Phase & 0.995 \\ 
g' & U(1) gauge coupling & 0.357  \\ 
g & SU(2) gauge coupling & 0.652 \\ 
$g_s$ & SU(3) gauge coupling & 1.221  \\ 
$\theta_{QCD}$ & \gls{qcd} vacuum angle & $\approx$ 0  \\ 
v & Higgs vacuum expectation value & 246 GeV \\ 
$m_H$ & Higgs Mass & $\approx$ 125.36 GeV \\ 
\caption{\label{tab:param_SM} 19 parameters in \acrlong{sm}}

\subsection{Description of the Standard Model}
\subsubsection{Formal Aspect of Standard Model}
\subsubsection{Interactions and particles in Standard Model}
\subsubsection{The architecture of Standard Model}
\subsection{Limitations of Standard Model}
 \draw[thick,->,>=latex] (0,0) -- (13,0); 
 \draw[thick,->,>=latex] (0,0) -- (0,4.1)node[above]{$\alpha_s$};
 \node at (12.5,-0.3){$\mu$};
 \node at (1,-0.3){\small 1 GeV};
 \node at (5,-0.3){\small $\approx$ TeV};
 \node at (10,-0.3){\small Before Planck};
 \node at (1.5,3.3){\small Confinment};
 \node at (11,3.3){\small Asymptotic safety};
 \draw[blue] (1,3) to[out=280,in=170] (5,0.4) to[out=-10,in=200] (9,0.8) to[out=20,in=230] (11,2.7) to[out=30,in=170] (12.8,2.85) ; 
 \node[red] at (2.2,2.2) {\tiny Light quarks};
 \node[red] at (5,1.2) {\tiny Higgs Mechanism};
 \node[red] at (5,0.7) {\tiny Top};
 \node[red] at (8,2) {\tiny New colored states};
 \draw[red,->,>=latex] (8,1.8) -- (9,0.8);
\caption{Asymptotically safe scenario of \acrlong{qcd} expressed in terms of the running of $\alpha_s$}

\subsection{Beyond the Standard Model}
\subsubsection{String Theory}

\section{One of the first matter in the Universe}
\subsection{Asymptotic Freedom}
\subsection{The beginning of Quark-Gluon Plasma in physics}
\subsection{Phases of nuclear matter}
\subsection{Heavy Ions Collisions}

\section{Studies of the Quark Gluon Plasma}
\subsection{Soft Probes}
\subsubsection{Baryon enhancement}
\subsubsection{Transverse energy}


在 Chapitre_3 中我想引用第 1 章(不是简介)




\chapter{Methods to study of anisotropic flow}

We see in the previous chapter the tool what I have used all of this Ph.D Thesis. In this chapter, I will show the analysis that I have done all this Ph.D Thesis. Typically, I had put some part of this chapter in the event generator \gls{epos} presented in the previous chapter.


The main observable of this Ph.D is the anisotropic flow that I had briefly introduce in the section \ref{I-subsec:flow} of the Chapter \ref{I-chap:context}. Consquently, this chapter will be dedicated of the history and tacticals to calculs the anisotropic flow. To recall the section \ref{I-subsec:flow} of the Chapter \ref{I-chap:context}.


本博士论文的主要内容是各向异性流,我已在第一章 1.3.1 节中简要介绍过。因此,本章将专门介绍各向异性流计算的历史和策略。回顾第一章 1.3.1 节。

本节的引用很好,但章节不好,我想引用第 2 章而不是第 1 章。为什么我有第 1 章以及我们该如何修复它?

我把 放在\usepackage{xr-hyper}前面hyperref,然后删除xr,但现在我无法编译,因为我还有一个带\acrlong命令的词汇表,现在 Latex 无法识别该命令\acrlong。我在标题中都遇到了这个错误,但外部标题\acrlong没有错误\acrlong





手册中对此有明确的警告glossaries-user(屏幕截图取自当前手册第 6 节第 124 页)




  • \protect\acrlong{foo}在 内部使用\caption
  • 使用\caption[Text for List Of Table]{Text for caption below the table}

我不会在这里再次发布来自 OP 的文件。
