tikz 矩阵对齐环境中图形周围的框

tikz 矩阵对齐环境中图形周围的框

我有 4 个图形(以 tikz 编写),我使用 tikz 中的 \matrix 将它们对齐为 2x2 矩阵格式。现在我想在每个图形周围画一个框,并在其各自的框下为每个图形添加标题。我的 tex 代码的格式是

   <figure-1 details>;
   <figure-2 details>;
   <figure-3 details>;
   <figure-4 details>;

图 1 tikz 代码

        \coordinate(v3) at (-2.5,0);
        \node[left] at (v3) {$v_3$};
        \coordinate(v2) at (0,4.3301); 
        \node[above] at (v2) {$v_2$};
        \coordinate(v4) at (2.5,0); 
        \node[right] at (v4) {$v_4$};
        \draw[thick] (v2)--(v3)--(v4)--cycle;
        \coordinate(v5) at (0,0);
        \node[below] at (v5) {$v_5$};
        \draw[thin] (v2)--(v5);
        \coordinate(v6) at (-1.25,2.165);
        \node[left] at (v6) {$v_6$};
        \draw[thin] (v5)--(v6);
        \coordinate(v7) at (1.25,2.165);
        \node[right] at (v7) {$v_7$};
        \draw[thin] (v5)--(v7);
        \fill[black] (0,1.4433) circle (2pt) node[anchor=west] {$c_1$};
        \fill[black] (-0.833,1.443) circle (2pt) node[anchor=north] {$c_2$};
        \fill[black] (0.833,1.443) circle (2pt) node[anchor=north] {$c_3$};
        \fill[very nearly transparent] (v2)--(v4)--(v5)--cycle;

除阴影区域的细微变化(即填充了一些其他内三角形)外,其他图形与图 1 相似。



% draws a rectangle around the content of the cell, with some padding
\node [fit=(current bounding box),draw] (a) {};
% add caption below frame
    let \p1=(a.west),\p2=(a.east),\n1={\x2-\x1} in
  node [below,text width=\n1] at (a.south) {%
     \captionof{subfigure}{This is a figure showing etc.}


如果你想要标题里面框架,交换\node和 的顺序\path,并将标题节点放置在current bounding box.south而不是a.south


两列的水平对齐方式不同似乎是由于三角形使用的坐标不同造成的。在您的代码中,左下角位于(-2.5,0),而在我的代码中位于(0,0)。第二行的两个十字的左侧均位于 x=0。请注意,第一行的 x=0 与第二行的 x=0 对齐。



\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
\usepackage{subcaption} % <-- added
\usetikzlibrary{fit,calc} % <- added
  dot/.style={circle,fill=black,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=4pt} % <-- added
        \coordinate(v3) at (-2.5,0);
        \node[left] at (v3) {$v_3$};
        \coordinate(v2) at (0,4.3301); 
        \node[above] at (v2) {$v_2$};
        \coordinate(v4) at (2.5,0); 
        \node[right] at (v4) {$v_4$};
        \draw[thick] (v2)--(v3)--(v4)--cycle;
        \coordinate(v5) at (0,0);
        \node[below] at (v5) {$v_5$};
        \draw[thin] (v2)--(v5);
        \coordinate(v6) at (-1.25,2.165);
        \node[left] at (v6) {$v_6$};
        \draw[thin] (v5)--(v6);
        \coordinate(v7) at (1.25,2.165);
        \node[right] at (v7) {$v_7$};
        \draw[thin] (v5)--(v7);
        \fill[black] (0,1.4433) circle (2pt) node[anchor=west] {$c_1$};
        \fill[black] (-0.833,1.443) circle (2pt) node[anchor=north] {$c_2$};
        \fill[black] (0.833,1.443) circle (2pt) node[anchor=north] {$c_3$};
        \fill[very nearly transparent] (v2)--(v4)--(v5)--cycle;

        \node [fit=(current bounding box),draw] (a) {};
        let \p1=(a.west),\p2=(a.east),\n1={\x2-\x1} in
        node [below,text width=\n1] at (a.south) {\captionof{subfigure}{This is a figure showing etc.}};


   \draw [thick] (0,0) coordinate[label=left:$v_3$] (v3)
            -- coordinate[label=below:$v_5$] (v5)
       ++(0:5) coordinate[label=right:$v_4$] (v4)
            -- coordinate[label=right:$v_7$] (v7)
     ++(120:5) coordinate[label=above:$v_2$] (v2)
            -- coordinate[label=left:$v_6$] (v6)
   \draw (v6) -- node[dot,pos=0.3,label=below:$c_2$] (c2) {} (v5)
              -- node[dot,pos=0.7,label=below:$c_3$] (c3) {} (v7);
   \node[dot,label=right:$c_1$] at (c2 -| v5) {};
   \draw (v2) -- (v5);
   \fill[very nearly transparent] (v2)--(v4)--(v5)--cycle;

        \node [fit=(current bounding box),draw] (b) {};
        let \p1=(b.west),\p2=(b.east),\n1={\x2-\x1} in
        node [below,text width=\n1] at (b.south) {\captionof{subfigure}{This is also a figure showing etc.}};


 \draw (0,0) -- (3,3) (0,3) -- (3,0);

        \node [fit=(current bounding box),draw] (b) {};
        let \p1=(b.west),\p2=(b.east),\n1={\x2-\x1} in
        node [below,text width=\n1] at (b.south) {\captionof{subfigure}{This is something else.}};


 \draw (0,0) -- (3,3) (0,3) -- (3,0);

        \node [fit=(current bounding box),draw] (b) {};
        let \p1=(b.west),\p2=(b.east),\n1={\x2-\x1} in
        node [below,text width=\n1] at (b.south) {\captionof{subfigure}{This is something else.}};

\caption{Caption for the whole thing}



或者在每个单元格中使用 atabular和 a tikzpicture,例如

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
\usepackage{subcaption} % <-- added
\usetikzlibrary{fit,calc} % <- added

\newcommand\diagram{% this macro is just to make the example easier to construct, see below
  dot/.style={circle,fill=black,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=4pt}
   \draw [thick] (0,0) coordinate[label=left:$v_3$] (v3)
            -- coordinate[label=below:$v_5$] (v5)
       ++(0:5) coordinate[label=right:$v_4$] (v4)
            -- coordinate[label=right:$v_7$] (v7)
     ++(120:5) coordinate[label=above:$v_2$] (v2)
            -- coordinate[label=left:$v_6$] (v6)
   \draw (v6) -- node[dot,pos=0.3,label=below:$c_2$] (c2) {} (v5)
              -- node[dot,pos=0.7,label=below:$c_3$] (c3) {} (v7);
   \node[dot,label=right:$c_1$] at (c2 -| v5) {};
   \draw (v2) -- (v5);
   \fill[very nearly transparent] (v2)--(v4)--(v5)--cycle;

        \node [fit=(current bounding box),draw,minimum size=6cm] (b) {};
        let \p1=(b.west),\p2=(b.east),\n1={\x2-\x1} in
        node [below,text width=\n1] at (b.south) {\captionof{subfigure}{This is also a figure showing etc.}};

% I used a macro just for convenience, in your case put in the four
% different tikzpicture environments instead of \diagram
\diagram & \diagram \\
\diagram & \diagram 

\caption{Caption for the whole thing}




如果不看你的代码,很难说出最好的方法是什么,但考虑到你已经在里面有你的代码蒂克兹 \matrix最简单的方法可能就是添加matrix of nodes一些\matrix样式,在每个节点周围放置一个矩形。您可以手动添加标题,也可以通过添加一些样式使其成为矩阵的一部分。前者比较简单,所以我用这种方法做了。



\documentclass[tikz, border=4mm]{standalone}


  \matrix (M)[matrix of nodes, every node/.style={rectangle, draw},
          row sep=6mm, column sep=4mm,]
       figure-1 details
       figure-2 details
       figure-3 details
       figure-4 details
    \node at ([yshift=-6]M-1-1.south){\small Caption 1};
    \node at ([yshift=-6]M-1-2.south){\small Caption 2};
    \node at ([yshift=-6]M-2-1.south){\small Caption 3};
    \node at ([yshift=-6]M-2-2.south){\small Caption 4};


后面(M)\matrix意思是节点在非空单元格中有标签(M-1-1)(M-1-2)(使用选项,nodes in empty cells您也可以在空单元格中有节点)。您可以将其更改(M)为任何您喜欢的内容。
