如何让图形标题跨越多页,而不必将所有内容切换到 capt-of?

如何让图形标题跨越多页,而不必将所有内容切换到 capt-of?

我在 TeX.SE 和其他地方发现了几个关于如何让图片标题跨越多页的问题(例如,如何使图形标题跨越多页?)。我了解到caption包裹将标题放在牢不可破的盒子里。

有些答案建议使用capt-of包。capt-of似乎工作正常,但会破坏caption实例。 因此,使用capt-of启用长图标题似乎需要我将论文中的每个标题都切换为capt-of,这是一种负担,似乎消除了浮动图的好处。

以下是 MWE(也在背页) 中一个数字为短caption,一个数字为长captionof我希望能够\usepackage{capt-of} 同时\usepackage[font={small,sf}, singlelinecheck=false]{caption}启用,而且我的长标题仍然跨越多页。


% I can't have both caption and capt-of enabled.

% Caption alone doesn't let long captions span multiple pages.    
\usepackage[font={small,sf}, singlelinecheck=false]{caption}

% Capt-of alone would require me to reformat many figures.

% But enabling both breaks capt-of's ability to span captions across pages.




% I have many figures that are formatted like this.
\caption[Short caption]{\lipsum[1]}


% This seems to be the best way to get long captions to span multiple pages, while being styled like the above figure.
\captionof{figure}[short caption]{\lipsum[1-4]}






% I can't have both caption and capt-of enabled.

% Caption alone doesn't let long captions span multiple pages.    
\usepackage[font={small,sf}, singlelinecheck=false]{caption}




% I have many figures that are formatted like this.
\caption[Short caption]{\lipsum[1]}


% This seems to be the best way to get long captions to span multiple pages, while being styled like the above figure.


\captionof{figure}[short caption]{\lipsum[1-4]}




默认情况下,caption包将标题内容放在 中,\parbox因为这是支持某些caption包选项(边距等)所必需的。但是可以使用 进行更改\captionsetup{parbox=...},例如:


\usepackage[font={small,sf}, singlelinecheck=false]{caption}



% I have many figures that are formatted like this.
\caption[Short caption]{\lipsum[1]}


% This seems to be the best way to get long captions to span multiple pages, while being styled like the above figure.
\captionsetup{parbox=none}% don't put this caption into a \parbox
\captionof{figure}[short caption]{\lipsum[1-4]}

