





\includegraphics[width = \linewidth, keepaspectratio]
\caption{(A) Cumulative density plot comparing differential expression among all genes to specified gene-list subsets. 
(B) Comparison of AHC reads between genes that are down-regulated and up-regulated in \textit{miR-15/16\textsuperscript{$\Delta$/$\Delta$}} subsetted by location of miR-15/16 seed locations along each transcript. 
(C) Heatmap of genes with a p value of less than or equal to 0.05 plotted along side a bar graph of AHC read depth at miR-15/16 seed matches for each gene they occur at. 
(D) GSEA enrichment plot of KEGG Cell Cycle associated genes.
(E) Heatmap of KEGG Cell Cycle genes with miR-15/16 seed matches in their 3'UTRplotted along side a bar graph of AHC read depth at miR-15/16 seed matches for each gene they occur at.  (*) denotes genes with no prior evidence of miR-15/16 targeting by miRTarBase.}
\label{fig:global transcriptional changes}

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(A) Cumulative density plot comparing differential expression among all genes to specified gene-list subsets.
(B) Comparison of AHC reads between genes that are down-regulated and up-regulated in \textit{miR-15/16\textsuperscript{$\Delta$/$\Delta$}} subsetted by location of miR-15/16 seed locations along each transcript.
(C) Heatmap of genes with a p value of less than or equal to 0.05 plotted along side a bar graph of AHC read depth at miR-15/16 seed matches for each gene they occur at.
(D) GSEA enrichment plot of KEGG Cell Cycle associated genes.
(E) Heatmap of KEGG Cell Cycle genes with miR-15/16 seed matches in their 3'UTRplotted along side a bar graph of AHC read depth at miR-15/16 seed matches for each gene they occur at.
(*) denotes genes with no prior evidence of miR-15/16 targeting by miRTarBase.}
\label{fig:global transcriptional changes}





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