图 1.1代替数字1.1
这是 CLS 文件,但是,尽管我可以找到图表列表的生成位置(搜索“%LIF IS HERE”),但我所做的实际上并没有使数字变为粗体。
\ProvidesClass{ncsuthesis}[2012/01/26 v0.4 NC State ETD conformant thesis class]
%% Spacing options
\DeclareOption*{\PackageWarning{ncsuthesis}{Unknown option `\CurrentOption'. Ignoring}}
\ExecuteOptions{phd,onehalfspacing} % the default option is <phd, onehalfspacing>
\RequirePackage[nottoc]{tocbibind} % includes lof, lot, refs in toc
%% Capital letter height
%% Line height
%% Leading height: The leading changes thoughout the document, so this
%% length must be updated
%% We must add two double spaces plus one capital-height (for the page number)
%% to footskip. Footskip is measured from the top of the bottom margin.
%% (See geometry package documentation, note that includefoot option is used.)
\addtolength{\ncsu@footskip}{0.5ex} % A little extra space to ensure there
% are 2 full double spaced lines
%% Disposition format -- any titles, headings, section titles
%% Heading/Chapter/Section format
\renewcommand{\ncsu@headingformat}{\ncsu@dispositionformat #1}
%% \chapter*-to-first line space
%% This applies to preliminary headings, and ToC, LoF, LoT
%% Headers/footers - page number
%% Vertical space around tables and figures, triple spacing
%% Author name
\newcommand{\ncsu@authorfirstmiddle}{First Middle}
%% Command to test for period after middle name
}{% #1 != .
{% #2 != relax
\author{\ncsu@authorfirstmiddle{} \ncsu@authorlast}
%% Degree year - in case the degree year doesn't match the current year.
%% Thesis Title
\newcommand{\ncsu@thesistitle}{My Thesis Title}
\AtBeginDocument{% at begin doc is necessary since fncychap
% redefines \@makeschapterhead
% Measure the leading here (which depends on the current line spacing),
% and adjust the spacing accordingly between the baseline of the
% heading and the top of capital letters on the first line.
{\ncsu@headingformat #1}%
\noindent \MakeUppercase{\ncsu@authorlast{}, \ncsu@authorfirstmiddle{}}%
\ifthenelse{\boolean{@ncsu@needsperiod}}{\@. }{~}%
(Under the direction of
{\ncsu@chair}{\ncsu@cochairI\ and \ncsu@cochairII}.)}\\
{\endtitlepage \pagestyle{plain}}
%% Abstract page commands
\vspace{0.47\textheight} %SPB
\copyright{} Copyright \ncsu@year{} by \@author \\[1em]
All Rights Reserved
%% Title page commands
%% To allow for Chair vs Co-chairs:
\newcommand{\ncsu@chair}{Advisor Q. Chair}
\newcommand{\ncsu@chairtitle}{Chair of Advisory Committee}
% Checking if optional title argument is present.
% Declare that we have a chair:
\newcommand{\ncsu@cochairI}{Co-chair 1 of Committee}
\newcommand{\ncsu@cochairItitle}{Co-chair of Advisory Committee}
% Declare that we have co-chairs.
\newcommand{\ncsu@cochairII}{Co-chair 2 of Committee}
\newcommand{\ncsu@cochairIItitle}{Co-chair of Advisory Committee}
\newcommand{\ncsu@memberI}{Member 1 of Committee}
\newcommand{\ncsu@memberII}{Member 2 of Committee}
\newcommand{\ncsu@memberIII}{Member 3 of Committee}
\newcommand{\ncsu@memberIV}{Member 4 of Committee}
A dissertation submitted to the Graduate Faculty of\\
North Carolina State University\\
in partial fulfillment of the\\
requirements for the Degree of\\
Doctor of Philosophy
}{} % end ifthenels phd
A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty of\\
North Carolina State University\\
in partial fulfillment of the\\
requirements for the Degree of\\
Master of Science
}{} % end ifthenels phd
\newcommand{\ncsu@program}{Degree Program}
\newcommand{\ncsu@citystate}{Raleigh, North Carolina}
#2\\ #1
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberItitle]{\ncsu@memberI} &
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIItitle]{\ncsu@memberII} \\[6em]
}{} % end ifthenelse = 3
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberItitle]{\ncsu@memberI} &
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIItitle]{\ncsu@memberII} \\[6em]
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIIItitle]{\ncsu@memberIII} &
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@chairtitle]{\ncsu@chair} \\
}{} % end ifthenelse = 4
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberItitle]{\ncsu@memberI} &
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIItitle]{\ncsu@memberII} \\[5em]
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIIItitle]{\ncsu@memberIII} &
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIVtitle]{\ncsu@memberIV} \\[5em]
}{} % end ifthenelse = 5
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberItitle]{\ncsu@memberI} &
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIItitle]{\ncsu@memberII} \\[5em]
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIIItitle]{\ncsu@memberIII} &
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIVtitle]{\ncsu@memberIV} \\[5em]
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberVtitle]{\ncsu@memberV} &
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@chairtitle]{\ncsu@chair} \\
}{} % end ifthenelse = 6
}{} % end ifthenelse type = chair
% co-chairs; if number is odd, put co-chairs on top line.
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@cochairItitle]{\ncsu@cochairI} &
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@cochairIItitle]{\ncsu@cochairII} \\[6em]
}{} % end ifthenelse = 3
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberItitle]{\ncsu@memberI} &
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIItitle]{\ncsu@memberII} \\[6em]
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@cochairItitle]{\ncsu@cochairI} &
}{} % end ifthenelse = 4
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@cochairItitle]{\ncsu@cochairI} &
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@cochairIItitle]{\ncsu@cochairII} \\[5em]
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberItitle]{\ncsu@memberI} &
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIItitle]{\ncsu@memberII} \\[5em]
}{} % end ifthenelse = 5
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberItitle]{\ncsu@memberI} &
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIItitle]{\ncsu@memberII} \\[5em]
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIIItitle]{\ncsu@memberIII} &
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIVtitle]{\ncsu@memberIV} \\[5em]
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@cochairItitle]{\ncsu@cochairI} &
\ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@cochairIItitle]{\ncsu@cochairII} \\
}{} % end ifthenelse = 6
}{} % end ifthenelse type = cochair
by \\
%% Template
%% Dedication
%% Biography
%% Acknowledgements
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}
\settowidth{\cftchapnumwidth}{\textbf{Chapter 00}}
\renewcommand{\cftchappresnum}{Chapter }
%% tocloft typesets ToC title, so we must give it our heading formats
%\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{List of Figures}
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{LIST OF FIGURES} %SPB
\settowidth{\cftfignumwidth}{Figure 00.000}
\renewcommand{\cftfigpresnum}{\textbf{Figure }}%LIF IS HERE
\setlength{\cftfigindent}{.01in} %SPB
%\renewcommand{\listtablename}{List of Tables} SPB
\renewcommand{\listtablename}{LIST OF TABLES} %SPB
\settowidth{\cfttabnumwidth}{Table 00.000}
\renewcommand{\cfttabpresnum}{Table }
\setlength{\cfttabindent}{.01in} %SPB
%% Loading pdflscape package for page rotation
%% Loading fancyhdr package to change page numbering
%% Loading sideways for sideways environment
%% Rotate page and page number
%% The syntax of the \changepage command is
%% \changepage{textheight}{textwidth}{evensidemargin}{oddsidemargin}{columnsep}
%% {topmargin}{headheight}{headsep}{footskip}
\fancyhead{} % clear all header fields
\fancyfoot{} % clear all footer fields
\put(0.055,0.557){\begin{sideways}\thepage\end{sideways}} % page number
%% natbib redefines \thebibliography, so we add our own requirements
%% at \begin{document} time.
\doublespacing %%modification 12/12/13 by [email protected], Grad School requires double spacing in the references
\settowidth{\appendixwidth}{Appendix A}
%% Count the total number of appendices
\regtotcounter{chapter} % chapter counter is used for appendices
\ifthenelse{\c@tocdepth > 2}
% Appendix title page heading not defined, define it
\ifthenelse{\totvalue{chapter} = 1 }%
%% number of appendices = 1
%% number of appendices > 1
% Appendix title page heading already defined, do nothing
\chapter*{\ncsu@appendixheader} %% insert 'Appendix' titlepage
%% Adding "Appendix" before letter in TOC
%% We must change the width of the box which the appendix letter is set in
%% and add the "Appendix " before the letter. See tocloft documentation.
\protect\renewcommand{\protect\cftchappresnum}{Appendix }
\ncsu@appendix %% call internal \appendix macro
} % \renewcommand{appendix}
} % \AtBeginDocument
%% Copyright (C) 2009-2012 by Josh Hykes <[email protected]> and others
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either
%% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
%% version. The latest version of this license is in the file:
%% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% This work is "maintained" (as per LPPL maintenance status).
%% This work consists of the file ncsuthesis.dtx
%% and the derived files ncsuthesis.ins,
%% ncsuthesis.pdf and
%% ncsuthesis.cls.
%% End of file `ncsuthesis.cls'.
我的 .tex 文件的缩小版本如下所示。有人能帮助我吗?
\documentclass[12pt, % font size: 11pt or 12pt
phd, % degree: ms or phd
onehalfspacing % spacing: onehalfspacing or doublespacing
\usepackage{booktabs} % professionally typeset tables
\usepackage{textcomp} % better copyright sign, among other things
\usepackage{lipsum} % filler text
\usepackage{subfig} % composite figures
%%%%%%%%%%% Hack for alphanumeric bibliography
hyperref=true, %
maxnames=2, %for et al to be used
maxalphanames=1, %to avoid printing a + for every et al in the abbreviation
%needed to do et al after two names
%Simplify abbreviation (the default uses either one or two authors and it indicates et al with a +)
%The following five lines make it so that only the first author is used in the abbreviation
%\AtEveryCitekey{\ifciteseen{}{\defcounter{maxnames}{99}}} %authoryear
\usepackage{dcolumn}% Align table columns on decimal point
\usepackage{bm}% bold math
\usepackage{verbatim}% multiline commenting
\usepackage{graphicx} %eps figures can be used instead
\robustify{\DateMark} % after having loaded abbrevs
\usepackage{units} %Needed to solve bug from citation Hydrodynamics in 21/2 dimensions
%see http://www.latex-community.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=989
\usepackage[sharp]{easylist} %used for brainstorming purposes
%\usepackage{mathabx} % used for \Asterisk for convolution %conflicts with \widering
%compile on single pass
%%%Fancy tables
{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}
%%%% Hack for containing figures within sections
%Defines a \FloatBarrier command, beyond which floats may not pass; useful, for example, to ensure all floats for a section appear before the next \section command.
\dispositionformat{\bfseries} % bold and serif
\headingformat{\large\MakeUppercase} % All letters uppercase
\student{John M.}{Smith} % a middle initial
%% Degree program
\program{Computer Science}
\thesistitle{A North Carolina State University Sample \LaTeX{} Thesis \break
with a Title So Long it Needs a Line Break}
%%---------------------------- Personal Macros -------------------------------%%
%% A few examples to get you started.
%This makes it so that you can add short paths in your .tex by including the folders where you store your images in the search path
%% Capital letter height
\addtolength{\chapterfootskip}{0.5ex} % A little extra space to ensure there are 2 full double spaced lines
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{LIST OF FIGURES}
\renewcommand{\listtablename}{LIST OF TABLES}
-\abovecaptionskip -\belowcaptionskip
-(12pt * #1) % assuming baselineskip of 12pt in caption
%landscape support in fancyhdr from http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/9071/how-to-translate-and-rotate-the-heading-of-landscaped-pages
\tikz[remember picture,overlay]
\node[outer sep=1cm,above,rotate=90] at (current page.east) {\thepage};}
\newgeometry{margin=1in,lmargin=1.25in,footskip=\chapterfootskip, includehead, includefoot}
\setlength\bibitemsep{11pt} %22pt = 2*11pt, where fontsize is 11pt
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{{\uppercase{\bibname}}} %\textorpdfstring and \uppercase needed due to hyperref package http://www.latex-community.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=16601
}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{11pt}{\bf\filcenter}
\renewcommand{\cftfigpresnum}{\bfseries Figure }
上面的代码让字体改变(到大胆的)一直延伸到 LoF 中的图号末尾,而不是只保留单词Figure
\renewcommand{\cftfigpresnum}{\bfseries Figure }
\settowidth{\cftfignumwidth}{Figure 00.0000}
\begin{figure} \caption{A figure} \end{figure}