

我有一个大文件,其中包含类似于下图所示的日志。我想找到受该错误影响的所有交易(TR#)。我需要提取每个 TR# ID 的一次出现。


    Apr 30 16:51:29.574 application.crit: [6104]:TR#14. Transaction send can not be sent. Error Code: 704
    Apr 30 16:51:29.574 application.crit: [6104]:TR#14. Transaction send can not be sent. Error Code: 704
    Apr 30 16:51:29.574 application.crit: [6104]:TR#14. Transaction send can not be sent. Error Code: 704
    Apr 30 16:51:29.574 application.crit: [6104]:TR#14. Transaction send can not be sent. Error Code: 704
    Apr 30 16:51:29.574 application.crit: [6104]:TR#238. Transaction send can not be sent. Error Code: 704
    Apr 30 16:51:29.574 application.crit: [6104]:TR#238. Transaction send can not be sent. Error Code: 704
    Apr 30 16:51:29.574 application.crit: [6104]:TR#238. Transaction send can not be sent. Error Code: 704
    Apr 30 16:51:29.574 application.crit: [6104]:TR#238. Transaction send can not be sent. Error Code: 704
    Apr 30 16:51:29.574 application.crit: [6104]:TR#238. Transaction send can not be sent. Error Code: 704
    Apr 30 16:51:29.574 application.crit: [6104]:TR#238. Transaction send can not be sent. Error Code: 704


    Apr 30 16:51:29.574 application.crit: [6104]:TR#14. Transaction send can not be sent. Error Code: 704
    Apr 30 16:51:29.574 application.crit: [6104]:TR#238. Transaction send can not be sent. Error Code: 704



$ awk 'c[$5]++==1' file 
Apr 30 16:51:29.574 application.crit: [6104]:TR#14. Transaction send can not be sent. Error Code: 704
Apr 30 16:51:29.574 application.crit: [6104]:TR#238. Transaction send can not be sent. Error Code: 704

或者,在 Perl 中:

$ perl -ane '$k{$F[4]}++==1 && print' file 
Apr 30 16:51:29.574 application.crit: [6104]:TR#14. Transaction send can not be sent. Error Code: 704
Apr 30 16:51:29.574 application.crit: [6104]:TR#238. Transaction send can not be sent. Error Code: 704

上面假设每个前面的数字TR#ID是 ID 的一部分。如果数字可以更改但您只需要其中之一,请改用:

$ awk -F'[:.]' 'c[$7]++==1' file 


$ perl -F'[:.]' -ane '$k{$F[6]}++==1 && print' file 



awk '! m[$5] {m[$5]=$0} END{for (e in m) print m[e]}'


$ awk '! m[$5] {m[$5]=$0} END{for (e in m) print m[e]}' tr2.log
Apr 30 16:51:27.574 application.crit: [6104]:TR#14. Transaction send can not be sent. Error Code: 704
Apr 30 16:51:31.574 application.crit: [6104]:TR#238. Transaction send can not be sent. Error Code: 704



这是一个可以完成您想要的操作的 perl 脚本:


#Read each line
while ($line = <>) {
  # Extract the transaction ID by looking for the text TR followed by digits
  ($trid) = $line =~ /.*(TR#\d+).*/ ;
  # If we've not seen the ID before, print it out
  unless ($trids{$trid}) {
    print $line;
  # Remember the ID so we don't print it out again
  $trids{$trid} = 1;


temeraire:ul jenny$ ./extract.pl in.txt 
    Apr 30 16:51:29.574 application.crit: [6104]:TR#14. Transaction send can not be sent. Error Code: 704
    Apr 30 16:51:29.574 application.crit: [6104]:TR#238. Transaction send can not be sent. Error Code: 704


通过 GNU sed,从所以回答,

sed '$!N; /^\(.*\)\n\1$/!P; D' file
