

如何从章节标题中删除不正常的空格,我使用了 fancyhdr 包。这是整个 latex 书籍样式:


\ProvidesClass{thesis}[2015/06/22 Thesis class (E. Scifo), V1.0]

% base class = book 
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% packages 

\RequirePackage[small, bf, up]{caption}
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%% for tables


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\modulolinenumbers[5] %% numbers each 5 lines only

%% page geometry




\fancyfoot[C]{\textbf{page \thepage}} 

%\geometry{a4paper, body={160mm,245mm}}

%% Toc at begining of chapter
\mtcsettitle{minitoc}{Chapter content}

%% Hyperref
\RequirePackage{hyperref} % hyperlink for easier navigation in the document
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  pagebackref=true,%... references
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%% Epigraph style
\renewcommand{\epigraphrule}{0.1pt} % bottom line width
% Taken and updated from http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/epigraph/epigraph.dtx
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%% Opening quotes

          \itshape #1

%% Dedication

               {\cleardoublepage           % we want a new page
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                 \itshape             % the text is in italics
               { \end{minipage}
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%% customize chapter headings
%% Source : http://forum.mathematex.net/latex-f6/modification-du-style-de-chapitre-t7022.html
        \hspace{\dimexpr 1mm+3pt}%
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%% remove the top line : http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/19738/why-doesnt-pagestyleempty-work-on-the-first-page-of-a-chapter
  \thispagestyle{empty}% original style: plain

%% customize title page




    \expandafter\gdef\csname @juryTitle#1\endcsname{#2}
    \expandafter\gdef\csname @juryName#1\endcsname{#3}
    \expandafter\gdef\csname @juryFunction#1\endcsname{#4}



      \includegraphics[height=2.5cm]{\@unilogo}}{} &
    \includegraphics[height=2.5cm]{\@lablogo}}{} & 


      \textsc{\Huge \@university}}{~}\\[1cm]
      \textsc{\LARGE \@docschool}}{~}\\[0.2cm]
      \textsc{\LARGE \@lab}}{~} \\[0.5cm]

      \textsc{\LARGE Discipline : \@field}}{~}\\[1.5cm]

    \textsc{\Huge Thèse de doctorat}\\[0.5cm]

    {\Large Soutenue le

      \textsc{\Huge \@author}}{~} \\[1cm]

      \Huge \bfseries \centering


    \foreach \n in {1,...,\@njurymembers} {%
      \eaddtabtoks{ {\csname @juryTitle\n\endcsname} }
      \eaddtabtoks{ {\csname @juryName\n \endcsname} }
      \addtabtoks{ & }
      \eaddtabtoks{({\csname @juryFunction\n \endcsname }) }
      \addtabtoks{ \\ }

    %% http://tlsflyleaf.onada.fr/down.php
    \ifnum \@njurymembers=0
    Jury members
    \begin{table}[h!] \large





              {\Huge\bfseries\scshape #1}}


              {\Huge\bfseries\scshape\raggedright #1}}
