\usepackage[top= .8in, bottom= .8in, left=.8in, right=.8in]{geometry}
\large{\textbf{ECO361: Environmental Economics}} \\
\textbf{Midterm 2} \\
Total points:
\item Suppose there are two sources of the same pollutant, Source 1 \& Source 2. State two possible reasons why blah blah? \hspace*{11.5cm} \textbf{4}
\item Define marginal abatement cost (MAC). Draw an MAC curve of a firm which has to make a substantial outlay blah blah. \hspace*{10.5cm} \textbf{3}
通过反复试验来为每个不同的项目找到正确的 \hspace* 输入非常麻烦。有没有办法在不指定 11.5cm 或 10.5 等测量值的情况下做到这一点?似乎 \hspace*{\hfill} 在“itemize”环境中不起作用。有什么简单的建议吗?