在 captionsetup 中使用宽度时,longtable 会出现不需要的标题缩进

在 captionsetup 中使用宽度时,longtable 会出现不需要的标题缩进

如果我width=0.9\linewidth在 中使用,我会得到一个缩进的标题captionsetup。然后longtable标题会居中或缩进,并且没有办法让它与表格左对齐。但是,width在其他表格上工作正常。我使用它是因为我的文档中的一些标题很长,但我不想让它们一直延伸到文档的右边距。我曾尝试margin在 中使用captionsetup,但这会导致同样的问题。我也尝试在 captionsetup 中使用负缩进设置,但这只会影响标题的第二行,而不会影响表格编号。

以下是屏幕截图和 MWE: 在此处输入图片描述

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{memoir}
\usepackage{threeparttable} % for table notes
\usepackage{threeparttablex} % for longtable notes
\usepackage{siunitx} % align numbers by decimal point

%setup page
\settypeblocksize{237mm}{150mm}{*} % size of text block on page
\setulmargins{3.5cm}{*}{*} % sets start of text on page after ruled header
\setheaderspaces{2cm}{*}{*} % start of rule header line on page
\setlrmarginsandblock{3.5cm}{2.5cm}{*} % left and right margins

\sisetup{detect-family, add-integer-zero = false, group-digits = false}%

%adding width indents/centers longtable caption
\captionsetup[table]{textfont=it, justification=raggedright, singlelinecheck=off, format=plain, labelsep=newline, skip=5pt, width=0.9\linewidth}

%excluding width works
%\captionsetup[longtable]{justification=raggedright, labelsep=newline, singlelinecheck=off, textfont=it, skip=5pt, format=plain}


%normal table
\caption{Evaluation of some contexts based on some coordinates}
    S[table-format=2.0, table-column-width=12mm]
    S[table-format=2.0, table-column-width=12mm]
    S[table-format=2.0, table-column-width=12mm]
    S[table-format=2.0, table-column-width=12mm]
\multirow{2}[2]{*}{Sample context}
& \multirow{2}[2]{*}{\textit{N}}
& \multirow{2}[2]{1.8cm}{Proposed construct}
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Some location}
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Another location} \\
& & & & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textit{n}}
& \multicolumn{1}{c}{\%}
& \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textit{n}}
& \multicolumn{1}{c}{\%} \\
Item 1   &  $54$   && Low     &  23 &  43  & 31  &  57  \\
Item 2   &  $73$   && High    &  60 &  82  & 13  &  18  \\
Item 3   &  $80$   && High    &  72 &  90  &  8  &  10  \\
Item 4   &  $83$   && Medium  &  72 &  87  & 11  &  13  \\
Item 5   & $159$  && Rare    & 148 &  93  & 11  &  7   \\
\small{\textit{Note}. Some further notes here.}

\small{\textit{Note}. Some note text here.}

\setlength{\extrarowheight}{2mm} %add row padding before midrule
\caption[]{Severity of identified problems and proposed changes}
\\ [-1.8\normalbaselineskip]
\multicolumn{2}{l}{Change} & Justification & Severity\\ %the first header
\caption{Severity of identified problems and proposed changes (cont.)}\\
\\ [-1.8\normalbaselineskip]
\multicolumn{2}{l}{Change} & Justification & Severity\\ %the following header(s)
1. & Bullet point 1 and some extra sample text & \lipsum[1] & High \\
2. & Bullet point 2 & \lipsum[2] & Medium\\
3. & Bullet point 3 & \lipsum[3] & Low\\

