captionsetup 命令对子字幕有用吗?

captionsetup 命令对子字幕有用吗?


问题是我无法控制 minipage 环境中的子标题的宽度。我在下面的代码中尝试了captionsetup和,得到了这个数字。\subcaption[]



目前唯一可行的方案是直接缩小 minipage 的宽度,然后插入\hspaceminipage 之间。这很不方便,因为我可能会更新具有不同边距的 tikz 图形,而这种方法需要更新 minipage 和 hspace 的参数。


\documentclass[sigconf, anonymous, review]{acmart}




\title{No title}


\section{PLEASE READ FROM HERE..................................}

\begin{minipage}{0.164\textwidth}% The article is double-column, I'd like to place three subfigures side-by-side in one column. 1/2/3=0.166666...
\tikzstyle{main}=[circle, minimum size = 3.6mm, thick, draw =black!80, node distance = 3mm]
\tikzstyle{connect}=[-latex, thick]
  \node[main] (i)  {\scriptsize $i$};
  \node[main] (above_i) [above left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (left_i) [left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_i) [right=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_above_i) [above right=of i, above left=of right_i] {};
  \path (i) edge node {} (above_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (right_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path (above_i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path (right_i) edge node {} (right_above_i);

\captionsetup{width=0.7\textwidth}% Within this minipage environment, the local \textwidth is 1 I don't want subcpations of two subfigures too close to each other, so I use a ratio of 0.7. But it does not work.
\subcaption[width=0.7\textwidth]{the subcaption of this subfig is very long very long}
\tikzstyle{main}=[circle, minimum size = 3.6mm, thick, draw =black!80, node distance = 3mm]
\tikzstyle{connect}=[-latex, thick]
  \node[main] (i)  {\scriptsize $i$};
  \node[main] (above_i) [above left=of i] {};
  \node[main,fill=black!10] (left_i) [left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_i) [right=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_above_i) [above right=of i, above left=of right_i] {};
  \path (i) edge node {} (above_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (right_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path (above_i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path (right_i) edge node {} (right_above_i);

\subcaption{\small the subcaption of this subfig is very long very long}
\tikzstyle{main}=[circle, minimum size = 3.6mm, thick, draw =black!80, node distance = 3mm]
\tikzstyle{connect}=[-latex, thick]
  \node[main] (i)  {\scriptsize $i$};
  \node[main] (above_i) [above left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (left_i) [left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_i) [right=of i] {};
  \node[main,fill=black!10] (right_above_i) [above right=of i, above left=of right_i] {};
  \path (i) edge node {} (above_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (right_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path (above_i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path (right_i) edge node {} (right_above_i);

\subcaption{\small the subcaption of this subfig is very long very long}
\caption{\small this caption is the caption to all the three sub-figures}




\documentclass[sigconf, anonymous, review]{acmart}



% general options for subfigure captions


\title{No title}


\section{PLEASE READ FROM HERE..................................}


% local setting for subfigure captions

\tikzstyle{main}=[circle, minimum size = 3.6mm, thick, draw =black!80, node distance = 3mm]
\tikzstyle{connect}=[-latex, thick]
  \node[main] (i)  {\scriptsize $i$};
  \node[main] (above_i) [above left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (left_i) [left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_i) [right=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_above_i) [above right=of i, above left=of right_i] {};
  \path (i) edge node {} (above_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (right_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path (above_i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path (right_i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
\caption{the subcaption of this subfig is very long very long}
\tikzstyle{main}=[circle, minimum size = 3.6mm, thick, draw =black!80, node distance = 3mm]
\tikzstyle{connect}=[-latex, thick]
  \node[main] (i)  {\scriptsize $i$};
  \node[main] (above_i) [above left=of i] {};
  \node[main,fill=black!10] (left_i) [left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_i) [right=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_above_i) [above right=of i, above left=of right_i] {};
  \path (i) edge node {} (above_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (right_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path (above_i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path (right_i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
\subcaption{the subcaption of this subfig is very long very long}
\tikzstyle{main}=[circle, minimum size = 3.6mm, thick, draw =black!80, node distance = 3mm]
\tikzstyle{connect}=[-latex, thick]
  \node[main] (i)  {\scriptsize $i$};
  \node[main] (above_i) [above left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (left_i) [left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_i) [right=of i] {};
  \node[main,fill=black!10] (right_above_i) [above right=of i, above left=of right_i] {};
  \path (i) edge node {} (above_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (right_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path (above_i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path (right_i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
\subcaption{the subcaption of this subfig is very long very long}

\caption{this caption is the caption to all the three sub-figures}






\documentclass[sigconf, anonymous, review]{acmart}

\usepackage{caption, subcaption}


\title{No title}


\section{PLEASE READ FROM HERE..................................}
\captionsetup{justification = RaggedRight}
\subcaptionbox{The subcaption of this subfigure is very long very long}[0.3\linewidth]
 { \begin{tikzpicture}
\tikzstyle{main}=[circle, minimum size = 3.6mm, thick, draw =black!80, node distance = 3mm]
\tikzstyle{connect}=[-latex, thick]
  \node[main] (i) {\scriptsize $i$};
  \node[main] (above_i) [above left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (left_i) [left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_i) [right=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_above_i) [above right=of i, above left=of right_i] {};
  \path (i) edge node {} (above_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (right_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path (above_i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path (right_i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
\subcaptionbox{The subcaption of this subfigure is very long very long}[0.3\linewidth]
\tikzstyle{main}=[circle, minimum size = 3.6mm, thick, draw =black!80, node distance = 3mm]
\tikzstyle{connect}=[-latex, thick]
  \node[main] (i) {\scriptsize $i$};
  \node[main] (above_i) [above left=of i] {};
  \node[main,fill=black!10] (left_i) [left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_i) [right=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_above_i) [above right=of i, above left=of right_i] {};
  \path (i) edge node {} (above_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (right_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path (above_i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path (right_i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
\subcaptionbox{The subcaption of this subfigure is very long very long}[0.3\linewidth]
\tikzstyle{main}=[circle, minimum size = 3.6mm, thick, draw =black!80, node distance = 3mm]
\tikzstyle{connect}=[-latex, thick]
  \node[main] (i) {\scriptsize $i$};
  \node[main] (above_i) [above left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (left_i) [left=of i] {};
  \node[main] (right_i) [right=of i] {};
  \node[main,fill=black!10] (right_above_i) [above right=of i, above left=of right_i] {};
  \path (i) edge node {} (above_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (right_i);
  \path (i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
  \path (above_i) edge node {} (left_i);
  \path (right_i) edge node {} (right_above_i);
\caption{This caption is the caption to all the three sub-figures}


