的参考书目样式非常适合此目的。但是我想自定义样式外观的一些内容,并且我发现 BibLaTeX 手册对于我相当有限的 LaTeX 技能来说有点高级。有人能为我指明实现这些更改的正确方向吗?
- 在参考书目条目之间添加垂直空格,但不在条目文本和条目标题规则之间添加空格。
- 从条目标题横幅中删除作者姓名,以便横幅左侧的文本仅显示条目的标题。
- 更改横幅的右侧以显示参考书目条目中的字段,而不是参考书目关键字。特别是,我想向
每个条目添加样式未使用的字段,以便我可以使用它来指示条目主题等。在下面的 MWE 中,我使用该verb
字段添加了一些文本。 - 将“注释”一词更改为“说明”
我在下面提供了一个 MWE 示例,以及一张我想要实现的图像(我使用图像处理软件来创建目标风格的图像)。
title = {The C Programming Language},
author = {Kernighan, Brian W and Ritchie, Dennis M},
year = {1988},
annotation = {Instructional book for the C programming language.},
verb = {C/C++ programming}
title = {The C++ Programming Language},
author = {Stroustrup, Bjarne},
year = {2013},
publisher = {Pearson Education},
annotation = {Instructional book for the C++ programming language.},
verb = {C/C++ programming}
title = {The TeXbook},
author = {Knuth, Donald Ervin and Bibby, Duane},
year = {1984},
publisher = {Addison-Wesley Reading},
annotation = {Instructional book for the TeX typesetting system.},
verb = {TeX typesetting}
\usepackage[style = reading, backend = biber]{biblatex}
此 MWE 将执行您想要的操作。请参阅注释以获取解释。
% use verba instead of non-existent verb field
title = {The C Programming Language},
author = {Kernighan, Brian W and Ritchie, Dennis M},
year = {1988},
annotation = {Instructional book for the C programming language.},
verba = {C/C++ programming}
title = {The C++ Programming Language},
author = {Stroustrup, Bjarne},
year = {2013},
publisher = {Pearson Education},
annotation = {Instructional book for the C++ programming language.},
verba = {C/C++ programming}
title = {The TeXbook},
author = {Knuth, Donald Ervin and Bibby, Duane},
year = {1984},
publisher = {Addison-Wesley Reading},
annotation = {Instructional book for the TeX typesetting system.},
verba = {TeX typesetting}
% set entrykey to false so entry key isn't printed in banner
% 1. Increase space between entries from 2\bibitemsep to 4\bibitemsep
% redefine entryhead:full so that
% 2. Author name is removed from banner and left hand text displays only title
% 3. Right hand side of banner prints verba (verb isn't a field)
% 4. Change word Annotations to Description
\DeclareFieldFormat{annotation}{Description\addcolon\space #1}