使用 Adjustbox 裁切/裁剪纸张时纸张撕裂或锯齿状

使用 Adjustbox 裁切/裁剪纸张时纸张撕裂或锯齿状




        {A4L}   {
                \coordinate (ALowerLeftCorner) at (0 mm ,0 mm);
                \coordinate (ALowerRightCorner) at (\ASizeWidth mm ,0 mm);
                \coordinate (ATopLeftCorner) at (0 mm ,\ASizeHeight mm);
                \coordinate (ATopRightCorner) at (\ASizeWidth mm ,\ASizeHeight mm);
                %Ev. header
                \coordinate (AHeaderTopRightCorner) at (\ASizeWidth mm - #2 mm,#2 mm + #4 mm);
                \coordinate (AHeaderTopLeftCorner) at (\ASizeWidth mm - #2 mm - #3 mm,#2 mm + #4 mm);
                \coordinate (AHeaderLowerLeftCorner) at (\ASizeWidth mm - #2 mm - #3 mm,#2 mm);
                \draw[step=5mm, red!20, very thin] ([shift={(-20mm,-20mm)}]ALowerLeftCorner) grid  ([shift={(23mm,20mm)}]ATopRightCorner);
                \fill[white, drop shadow] (ALowerLeftCorner) rectangle (ATopRightCorner);
                \fill[white, draw={black}, very thin] ([shift={(#2 mm,#2 mm)}]ALowerLeftCorner) rectangle  ([shift={(- #2 mm,- #2 mm)}]ATopRightCorner);
                \draw (AHeaderTopRightCorner) -- (AHeaderTopLeftCorner) -- (AHeaderLowerLeftCorner);
        {A4P}   {
        {A3L}   {
        [\PackageError{PaperTemplate}{Undefined option to paper: #1}{}]%


Frame of the drawing
\begin{tikzpicture}[spy scope={magnification=4, size=10cm},every spy in node/.style={
                                circle, circular drop shadow,
                                fill=white, draw, ultra thick, fill opacity=0.95}]
        \spy on (ATopLeftCorner) in node;
                line style = {line width=0.5},
                label style={above=0.25ex,font=\tiny, fill=none},
                extension start length=0.85,
                extension end length=0.85
                {(ATopLeftCorner)}{([shift={(5 mm,0 mm)}]ATopLeftCorner)}{5};
                line style = {line width=0.5},
                label style={above=0.25ex, font=\tiny, fill=none},
                extension start length=0.85,
                extension end length=0
                {([shift={(0 mm,-5 mm)}]ATopLeftCorner)}{(ATopLeftCorner)}{5};
                line style = {line width=0.5},
                label style={above=0.25ex, font=\huge, fill=none}
                {([shift={(0 mm,15 mm)}]AHeaderTopLeftCorner)}{([shift={(0 mm,15 mm)}]AHeaderTopRightCorner)}{150};
                line style = {line width=0.5},
                label style={above=0.25ex, font=\huge, fill=none}
                {([shift={(-15 mm,0 mm)}]AHeaderLowerLeftCorner)}{([shift={(-15 mm,0 mm)}]AHeaderTopLeftCorner)}{50};

The main header
\begin{adjustbox}{clip,trim= 120mm 0mm 0mm 110mm} %clip/trim Left, Right, Bottom, Top
\begin{tikzpicture}[spy scope={magnification=4, size=10cm},every spy in node/.style={
                                circle, circular drop shadow,
                                fill=white, draw, ultra thick, fill opacity=0.95}]
                line style = {line width=0.5},
                label style={above=0.25ex, font=\huge, fill=none}
                {([shift={(0 mm,15 mm)}]AHeaderTopLeftCorner)}{([shift={(0 mm,15 mm)}]AHeaderTopRightCorner)}{150};
                line style = {line width=0.5},
                label style={above=0.25ex, font=\huge, fill=none}
                {([shift={(-15 mm,0 mm)}]AHeaderLowerLeftCorner)}{([shift={(-15 mm,0 mm)}]AHeaderTopLeftCorner)}{50};






好的,感谢 Ignasi 的评论,我了解到这一步:



        {A4L}   {
                \coordinate (ALowerLeftCorner) at (0 mm ,0 mm);
                \coordinate (ALowerRightCorner) at (\ASizeWidth mm ,0 mm);
                \coordinate (ATopLeftCorner) at (0 mm ,\ASizeHeight mm);
                \coordinate (ATopRightCorner) at (\ASizeWidth mm ,\ASizeHeight mm);
                %Ev. header
                \coordinate (AHeaderTopRightCorner) at (\ASizeWidth mm - #2 mm,#2 mm + #4 mm);
                \coordinate (AHeaderTopLeftCorner) at (\ASizeWidth mm - #2 mm - #3 mm,#2 mm + #4 mm);
                \coordinate (AHeaderLowerLeftCorner) at (\ASizeWidth mm - #2 mm - #3 mm,#2 mm);
                \fill[white] ([shift={(-20mm,-20mm)}]ALowerLeftCorner) rectangle ([shift={(23mm,20mm)}]ATopRightCorner);
                \draw[step=5mm, red!20, very thin] ([shift={(-20mm,-20mm)}]ALowerLeftCorner) grid  ([shift={(23mm,20mm)}]ATopRightCorner);
                \fill[white, drop shadow] (ALowerLeftCorner) rectangle (ATopRightCorner);
                \fill[white, draw={black}, very thin] ([shift={(#2 mm,#2 mm)}]ALowerLeftCorner) rectangle  ([shift={(- #2 mm,- #2 mm)}]ATopRightCorner);
                \draw (AHeaderTopRightCorner) -- (AHeaderTopLeftCorner) -- (AHeaderLowerLeftCorner);
        {A4P}   {
        {A3L}   {
        [\PackageError{PaperTemplate}{Undefined option to paper: #1}{}]%
    enhanced jigsaw,
    frame hidden, % hide the default frame
        \draw [
            decorate, % decoration
            decoration={random steps,segment length=2pt,amplitude=1pt}
        % left line
        ([shift={(5.5mm,3mm)}]frame.south west)--([shift={(5.5mm,-7mm)}]frame.north west)--
        % top line
        ([shift={(5.5mm,-7mm)}]frame.north west)--([shift={(-2mm,-7mm)}]frame.north east)--
        % right line
        ([shift={(-2mm,-7mm)}]frame.north east)--([shift={(-2mm,3mm)}]frame.south east)--
        % bottom line
        ([shift={(-2mm,3mm)}]frame.south east)--([shift={(5.5mm,3mm)}]frame.south west);


Frame of the drawing
\begin{tikzpicture}[pencildraw/.style={decorate,decoration={random steps,segment length=2pt,amplitude=1pt}},
                                spy scope={magnification=4, size=10cm},
                                every spy in node/.style={
                                circle, circular drop shadow,
                                fill=white, draw, ultra thick, fill opacity=0.95}]
        \spy on (ATopLeftCorner) in node;
                line style = {line width=0.5},
                label style={above=0.25ex,font=\tiny, fill=none},
                extension start length=0.85,
                extension end length=0.85
                {(ATopLeftCorner)}{([shift={(5 mm,0 mm)}]ATopLeftCorner)}{5};
                line style = {line width=0.5},
                label style={above=0.25ex, font=\tiny, fill=none},
                extension start length=0.85,
                extension end length=0
                {([shift={(0 mm,-5 mm)}]ATopLeftCorner)}{(ATopLeftCorner)}{5};
                line style = {line width=0.5},
                label style={above=0.25ex, font=\huge, fill=none}
                {([shift={(0 mm,15 mm)}]AHeaderTopLeftCorner)}{([shift={(0 mm,15 mm)}]AHeaderTopRightCorner)}{150};
                line style = {line width=0.5},
                label style={above=0.25ex, font=\huge, fill=none}
                {([shift={(-15 mm,0 mm)}]AHeaderLowerLeftCorner)}{([shift={(-15 mm,0 mm)}]AHeaderTopLeftCorner)}{50};

The main header

\begin{adjustbox}{clip,trim= 120mm 10mm 7mm 110mm} %clip/trim Left, Right, Bottom, Top
\begin{tikzpicture}[    spy scope={magnification=4, size=10cm},
                        every spy in node/.style={
                        circle, circular drop shadow,
                        fill=white, draw, ultra thick, fill opacity=0.95}]
                line style = {line width=0.5},
                label style={above=0.25ex, font=\huge, fill=none}
                {([shift={(0 mm,15 mm)}]AHeaderTopLeftCorner)}{([shift={(0 mm,15 mm)}]AHeaderTopRightCorner)}{150};
                line style = {line width=0.5},
                label style={above=0.25ex, font=\huge, fill=none}
                {([shift={(-15 mm,0 mm)}]AHeaderLowerLeftCorner)}{([shift={(-15 mm,0 mm)}]AHeaderTopLeftCorner)}{50};


tornedges本质上,这是定义tcolorbox 后所需要的部分:

\begin{adjustbox}{clip,trim= 120mm 10mm 7mm 110mm} %clip/trim Left, Right, Bottom, Top


锯齿状边缘 2
