在 Texpad 中编译参考文献

在 Texpad 中编译参考文献

我第一次使用 Texpad。我刚刚将功能齐全的 .tex 和 .bib 文件导入其中。现在我在 Texpad 中编译参考文献时遇到了麻烦。这是代码:





\newcommand*{\rom}[1]{\expandafter\@slowromancap\romannumeral #1@}


  \end{document} ` 

当我使用名为 knsref.bib 的 bib 文件作为

  author  = {Menche, J. and Sharma, a. and Kitsak, M. and Ghiassian, S. D. 
             and Vidal, M. and Loscalzo, J. and a.-L. Barabasi},
  doi     = {10.1126/science.1257601},
  file    = {:Users/hannahcatabia/Desktop/ordovas\_project/papers/menche/201502-19\_Science-Incomplete.pdf:pdf},
  issn    = {0036-8075},
  journal = {Science},
  number  = {6224},
  pages   = {1257601--1257601},
  title   = {{Uncovering disease-disease relationships through the incomplete interactome}},
  url     = {http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/doi/10.1126/science.1257601},
  volume  = {347},
  year    = {2015},

I get the following output pdf


但是当我编辑 bib 文件knsref.bib

  author  = {Menche, J. and Sharma, a. and Kitsak, M. and Ghiassian, S. D. 
             and Vidal, M. and Loscalzo, J. and a.-L. Barabasi},
  doi     = {10.1126/science.1257601},
  file    = {:Users/hannahcatabia/Desktop/ordovas\_project/papers/menche/201502-19\_Science-Incomplete.pdf:pdf},
  issn    = {0036-8075},
  journal = {Science},
  number  = {6224},
  pages   = {1257601--1257601},
  title   = {{Uncovering disease-disease relationships through the incomplete interactome}},
  url     = {http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/doi/10.1126/science.1257601},
  volume  = {347},
  year    = {2015},
@article {MR592387,
    AUTHOR = {Kowalski, S. and S\l odkowski, Z.},
     TITLE = {A characterization of multiplicative linear functionals in
              {B}anach algebras},
   JOURNAL = {Studia Math.},
  FJOURNAL = {Polska Akademia Nauk. Institut Matematyczny. Studia
    VOLUME = {67},
      YEAR = {1980},
    NUMBER = {3},
     PAGES = {215--223},
      ISSN = {0039-3223},
   MRCLASS = {46H05},
  MRNUMBER = {592387},
MRREVIEWER = {James C. S. Wong},

我得到输出 pdf 作为在此处输入图片描述



我在 iPhone/iPad 上使用 Texpad 时也遇到过类似的问题(无法显示参考书目)。当我安装 Publishing Packages 软件包时,它开始工作,所以我的建议是确保您已安装所需的软件包。

我并不是 Texpad 的忠实粉丝,但它似乎是与 iPhone/iPad 一起使用的最佳解决方案,除非你通过 SSH 连接到运行 emacs 的机器……
