(IV) - (V) & \Rightarrow 4x_1 = 8 & \Rightarrow x_1 = 2
\\ x_1 = \text{2 in (V):} & \Rightarrow 7 * 2 + 5x_2 = 34 &
\Rightarrow x_2 = 4 \\ x_1 = \text{2 und } x_2 = \text{4 in (II):} &
\Rightarrow 3 * 2 + 4 + x_3 = 13 &\Rightarrow x_3 = 3
这里有一个使用 TikZ 数学节点矩阵的可能解决方案:
\noindent Your example as a benchmark:
(IV) - (V) & \Rightarrow 4x_1 = 8 & \Rightarrow x_1 = 2
\\ x_1 = \text{2 in (V):} & \Rightarrow 7 * 2 + 5x_2 = 34 &
\Rightarrow x_2 = 4 \\ x_1 = \text{2 und } x_2 = \text{4 in (II):} &
\Rightarrow 3 * 2 + 4 + x_3 = 13 &\Rightarrow x_3 = 3
My solution with a Ti\emph{k}Z matrix:
\matrix[matrix of math nodes,
column 1/.style={nodes={anchor=east}},
column 2/.style={nodes={anchor=west}},
row sep=-.4ex
] (m) {
(IV) - (V) &[-4pt] \Rightarrow 4x_1 = 8 &[30pt] \Rightarrow x_1 = 2
x_1 = \text{2 in (V):} & \Rightarrow 7 * 2 + 5x_2 = 34 &
\Rightarrow x_2 = 4 \\
x_1 = \text{2 und } x_2 = \text{4 in (II):} &
\Rightarrow 3 * 2 + 4 + x_3 = 13 &\Rightarrow x_3 = 3\\
\draw[red, line width=2pt] ([shift={(-4pt,2pt)}]m-1-3.north west) rectangle ([shift={(4pt,-2pt)}]m-3-3.south east);
\tikzset{offset def/.style={
above left offset={-0.2,0.5},
below right offset={0.35,-0.3},
color def/.style={
offset def,
set fill color=white,
set border color=red,
(IV) - (V) & \Rightarrow 4x_1 = 8 & \tikzmarkin[color def]{z}\Rightarrow x_1 = 2
\\ x_1 = \text{2 in (V):} & \Rightarrow 7 * 2 + 5x_2 = 34 &
\Rightarrow x_2 = 4 \\ x_1 = \text{2 und } x_2 = \text{4 in (II):} &
\Rightarrow 3 * 2 + 4 + x_3 = 13 &\Rightarrow x_3 = 3\tikzmarkend{z}
使用 tikz :
\tikz[remember picture,baseline=(#1.base)]
\node[text=black,anchor=center,inner sep=1pt] (#1) {#2};}
(IV) - (V) & \Rightarrow 4x_1 = 8 & \Rightarrow\tikzmark{a}{} x_1 = 2
\\ x_1 = \text{2 in (V):} & \Rightarrow 7 * 2 + 5x_2 = 34 &
\Rightarrow x_2 = 4 \\ x_1 = \text{2 und } x_2 = \text{4 in (II):} &
\Rightarrow 3 * 2 + 4 + x_3 = 13 &\Rightarrow x_3 = \tikzmark{b}{} 3
\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{
\node[rectangle, draw=red,thick, minimum size=2cm ] at (barycentric cs:a=1,b=1) {};