我想使用 KOMA-Script letter2 类来创建客户发票。我已阅读用户指南(版本 2017-08-08)并在网上搜索,但未找到答案。
我可以使用 pdflatex(在 LyX 中)编译草稿的唯一方法是包括诸如打开、关闭、签名和其他一些环境。在序言中,我包括了具有“客户”和“发票号”环境的 invoice2 包,我想学习如何使用 invoice2 包开具发票和发送报表。因此,我想找到使用 scrlttr2 类生成发票所需的最少环境。有可用的示例吗?
有很多字母的例子KOMA-Script 手册从第 4.7 节“信函文件的一般结构”中最简单的开始:
\begin{letter}{Joana Public\\
Hillside 1\\
12345 Public-City}
\opening{Dear chairman,}
需要获取第一封信页的元素,如信头、收件人和折叠标记);直到第 4.20 节“结束”中更复杂的内容:
\setkomavar{fromname}{John Public}
\setkomavar{signature}{John Public\\
(former chairman)}
\setkomavar{fromaddress}{Valley 2\\
54321 Public-Village}
\setkomavar{fromemail}{[email protected]}
Club nember no.~4711\\
since 11.09.2001\\
chairman 2003--2005}
\setkomavar{date}{29th February 2011}
\setkomavar{subject}{Missing general meeting}
Joana Public\\
Hillside 1\\
12345 Public-City%
\opening{Dear chairman,}
the last general meeting was about one year ago.
I want to remind you, that the constitution of our
club advises you to make a general meeting every
six month. Because of this I expect the executive
board to detain such a meeting immediately.
\closing{Expecting an invitation}
\ps PS: I hope you accept this as an friendly
demand note.
\encl{Compendium of the constitution with the
general meeting paragraphs.}
\cc{executive board\\all members}
对于个别设计,您可以在KOMA-Script 文档项目。不仅有德语例子,还有一些英语例子,例如:复制华盛顿州立大学的官方标题。
德语 KOMA-Script 书有更多有趣的内容例子对于“现代字母”(附录/Anhang D)。其中一个结果是:
如果您想要使用 类scrlttr2
) 作为发票,您应该以字母开头,添加,例如,\setkomavar{title}{Invoice}
\begin{letter}{Dott. Yuko Ono\\24 Street Canvas\\Last Village\\
Some Town\\Noshire\\AB1 2YZ}
\opening{Dear Mrs~Canary}
This is an imaginary letter.
This is the second paragraph of the letter.
\closing{Yours sincerely}
\ps PS: this is a postscript.
\encl{Photocopy of something interesting\\
Photocopy of something rather dull}
\cc{Prof Important Person\\
Dr Bor Ing}