

我在谷歌上搜索有关使用软件包管理 LaTeX 中的引用的问题natbib,幸运的是,我也遇到了同样的问题巴特沃米耶·斯泰皮恩艾伦·芒恩对这个问题给出了一个很好的答案,可以找到这里





如上所示,数字 [9] 与数字 [10] 不在同一水平线上,也就是说,我希望这些参考编号像下面这样右对齐。同时,我还想减少参考编号和文本之间的距离,您可以在下面的示例中看到这一点。





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These are the materials in Algebra:
These are the materials in Complex Analysis:
These are the materials in Real Analysis and Probability:
These are the materials in PDE:
And, finally these are the materials in Topology:

\pagestyle{headings} \thispagestyle{headings}



@book {MR510197,
AUTHOR = {Ahlfors, Lars V.},
TITLE = {Complex analysis},
EDITION = {Third},
NOTE = {An introduction to the theory of analytic functions of one
complex variable,
International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics},
PUBLISHER = {McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York},
YEAR = {1978},
PAGES = {xi+331},
ISBN = {0-07-000657-1},
MRCLASS = {30-01},
MRNUMBER = {510197},
@book {MR2730573,
AUTHOR = {Ahlfors, Lars V.},
TITLE = {Conformal invariants},
NOTE = {Topics in geometric function theory,
Reprint of the 1973 original,
With a foreword by Peter Duren, F. W. Gehring and Brad Osgood},
PUBLISHER = {AMS Chelsea Publishing, Providence, RI},
YEAR = {2010},
PAGES = {xii+162},
ISBN = {978-0-8218-5270-5},
MRCLASS = {30-02},
MRNUMBER = {2730573},
URL = {https://doi.org/10.1090/chel/371},
@book {MR2893652,
AUTHOR = {Billingsley, Patrick},
TITLE = {Probability and measure},
SERIES = {Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics},
NOTE = {Anniversary edition [of MR1324786],
With a foreword by Steve Lalley and a brief biography of
Billingsley by Steve Koppes},
PUBLISHER = {John Wiley \& Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ},
YEAR = {2012},
PAGES = {xviii+624},
ISBN = {978-1-118-12237-2},
MRCLASS = {60-01 (28-01)},
MRNUMBER = {2893652},
@book {MR1344449,
AUTHOR = {Conway, John B.},
TITLE = {Functions of one complex variable. {II}},
SERIES = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics},
VOLUME = {159},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, New York},
YEAR = {1995},
PAGES = {xvi+394},
ISBN = {0-387-94460-5},
MRCLASS = {30-01},
MRNUMBER = {1344449},
MRREVIEWER = {P. Lappan},
URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4612-0817-4},
@book {MR2597943,
AUTHOR = {Evans, Lawrence C.},
TITLE = {Partial differential equations},
SERIES = {Graduate Studies in Mathematics},
VOLUME = {19},
EDITION = {Second},
PUBLISHER = {American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI},
YEAR = {2010},
PAGES = {xxii+749},
ISBN = {978-0-8218-4974-3},
MRCLASS = {35-01},
MRNUMBER = {2597943},
MRREVIEWER = {Diego M. Maldonado},
URL = {https://doi.org/10.1090/gsm/019},
@book {MR1681462,
AUTHOR = {Folland, Gerald B.},
TITLE = {Real analysis},
SERIES = {Pure and Applied Mathematics (New York)},
EDITION = {Second},
NOTE = {Modern techniques and their applications,
A Wiley-Interscience Publication},
PUBLISHER = {John Wiley \& Sons, Inc., New York},
YEAR = {1999},
PAGES = {xvi+386},
ISBN = {0-471-31716-0},
MRCLASS = {00A05 (26-01 28-01 46-01)},
MRNUMBER = {1681462},
@article {MR1034353,
AUTHOR = {Hungerford, Thomas W.},
TITLE = {A counterexample in {G}alois theory},
JOURNAL = {Amer. Math. Monthly},
FJOURNAL = {American Mathematical Monthly},
VOLUME = {97},
YEAR = {1990},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {54--57},
ISSN = {0002-9890},
MRCLASS = {12F10},
MRNUMBER = {1034353},
URL = {https://doi.org/10.2307/2324007},
@book {MR600654,
AUTHOR = {Hungerford, Thomas W.},
 TITLE = {Algebra},
SERIES = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics},
VOLUME = {73},
  NOTE = {Reprint of the 1974 original},
 PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, New York-Berlin},
  YEAR = {1980},
 PAGES = {xxiii+502},
  ISBN = {0-387-90518-9},
   MRCLASS = {00A05 (15-01 16-01)},
  MRNUMBER = {600654},
@book {MR1121940,
AUTHOR = {Karatzas, Ioannis and Shreve, Steven E.},
TITLE = {Brownian motion and stochastic calculus},
SERIES = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics},
VOLUME = {113},
EDITION = {Second},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, New York},
YEAR = {1991},
PAGES = {xxiv+470},
ISBN = {0-387-97655-8},
MRCLASS = {60J65 (35K99 35R60 60G44 60H10 60J60)},
MRNUMBER = {1121940},
URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4612-0949-2},
@book {MR0464128,
AUTHOR = {Munkres, James R.},
TITLE = {Topology: a first course},
PUBLISHER = {Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.},
YEAR = {1975},
PAGES = {xvi+413},
MRCLASS = {54-01},
MRNUMBER = {0464128},
@book {MR0163320,
AUTHOR = {Munkres, James R.},
TITLE = {Elementary differential topology},
SERIES = {Lectures given at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Fall},
VOLUME = {1961},
PUBLISHER = {Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J.},
YEAR = {1963},
PAGES = {xi+107pp},
MRCLASS = {57.00 (53.45)},
MRNUMBER = {0163320},
MRREVIEWER = {M. W. Hirsch},





可以看出,右边的大括号符号,即]数字 9 和 10 不在同一垂直线上,即它们没有右对齐,但我希望它们右对齐。



  {\hfil \NAT@anchor {#2}{\NAT@num }]}%
  {]}% <=================================================================

使用以下 MWE

@book {MR510197,
AUTHOR = {Ahlfors, Lars V.},
TITLE = {Complex analysis},
EDITION = {Third},
NOTE = {An introduction to the theory of analytic functions of one
complex variable,
International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics},
PUBLISHER = {McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York},
YEAR = {1978},
PAGES = {xi+331},
ISBN = {0-07-000657-1},
MRCLASS = {30-01},
MRNUMBER = {510197},
@book {MR2730573,
AUTHOR = {Ahlfors, Lars V.},
TITLE = {Conformal invariants},
NOTE = {Topics in geometric function theory,
Reprint of the 1973 original,
With a foreword by Peter Duren, F. W. Gehring and Brad Osgood},
PUBLISHER = {AMS Chelsea Publishing, Providence, RI},
YEAR = {2010},
PAGES = {xii+162},
ISBN = {978-0-8218-5270-5},
MRCLASS = {30-02},
MRNUMBER = {2730573},
URL = {https://doi.org/10.1090/chel/371},
@book {MR2893652,
AUTHOR = {Billingsley, Patrick},
TITLE = {Probability and measure},
SERIES = {Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics},
NOTE = {Anniversary edition [of MR1324786],
With a foreword by Steve Lalley and a brief biography of
Billingsley by Steve Koppes},
PUBLISHER = {John Wiley \& Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ},
YEAR = {2012},
PAGES = {xviii+624},
ISBN = {978-1-118-12237-2},
MRCLASS = {60-01 (28-01)},
MRNUMBER = {2893652},
@book {MR1344449,
AUTHOR = {Conway, John B.},
TITLE = {Functions of one complex variable. {II}},
SERIES = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics},
VOLUME = {159},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, New York},
YEAR = {1995},
PAGES = {xvi+394},
ISBN = {0-387-94460-5},
MRCLASS = {30-01},
MRNUMBER = {1344449},
MRREVIEWER = {P. Lappan},
URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4612-0817-4},
@book {MR2597943,
AUTHOR = {Evans, Lawrence C.},
TITLE = {Partial differential equations},
SERIES = {Graduate Studies in Mathematics},
VOLUME = {19},
EDITION = {Second},
PUBLISHER = {American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI},
YEAR = {2010},
PAGES = {xxii+749},
ISBN = {978-0-8218-4974-3},
MRCLASS = {35-01},
MRNUMBER = {2597943},
MRREVIEWER = {Diego M. Maldonado},
URL = {https://doi.org/10.1090/gsm/019},
@book {MR1681462,
AUTHOR = {Folland, Gerald B.},
TITLE = {Real analysis},
SERIES = {Pure and Applied Mathematics (New York)},
EDITION = {Second},
NOTE = {Modern techniques and their applications,
A Wiley-Interscience Publication},
PUBLISHER = {John Wiley \& Sons, Inc., New York},
YEAR = {1999},
PAGES = {xvi+386},
ISBN = {0-471-31716-0},
MRCLASS = {00A05 (26-01 28-01 46-01)},
MRNUMBER = {1681462},
@article {MR1034353,
AUTHOR = {Hungerford, Thomas W.},
TITLE = {A counterexample in {G}alois theory},
JOURNAL = {Amer. Math. Monthly},
FJOURNAL = {American Mathematical Monthly},
VOLUME = {97},
YEAR = {1990},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {54--57},
ISSN = {0002-9890},
MRCLASS = {12F10},
MRNUMBER = {1034353},
URL = {https://doi.org/10.2307/2324007},
@book {MR600654,
AUTHOR = {Hungerford, Thomas W.},
 TITLE = {Algebra},
SERIES = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics},
VOLUME = {73},
  NOTE = {Reprint of the 1974 original},
 PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, New York-Berlin},
  YEAR = {1980},
 PAGES = {xxiii+502},
  ISBN = {0-387-90518-9},
   MRCLASS = {00A05 (15-01 16-01)},
  MRNUMBER = {600654},
@book {MR1121940,
AUTHOR = {Karatzas, Ioannis and Shreve, Steven E.},
TITLE = {Brownian motion and stochastic calculus},
SERIES = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics},
VOLUME = {113},
EDITION = {Second},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, New York},
YEAR = {1991},
PAGES = {xxiv+470},
ISBN = {0-387-97655-8},
MRCLASS = {60J65 (35K99 35R60 60G44 60H10 60J60)},
MRNUMBER = {1121940},
URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4612-0949-2},
@book {MR0464128,
AUTHOR = {Munkres, James R.},
TITLE = {Topology: a first course},
PUBLISHER = {Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.},
YEAR = {1975},
PAGES = {xvi+413},
MRCLASS = {54-01},
MRNUMBER = {0464128},
@book {MR0163320,
AUTHOR = {Munkres, James R.},
TITLE = {Elementary differential topology},
SERIES = {Lectures given at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Fall},
VOLUME = {1961},
PUBLISHER = {Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J.},
YEAR = {1963},
PAGES = {xi+107pp},
MRCLASS = {57.00 (53.45)},
MRNUMBER = {0163320},
MRREVIEWER = {M. W. Hirsch},

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These are the materials in Algebra:
These are the materials in Complex Analysis:
These are the materials in Real Analysis and Probability:
These are the materials in PDE:
And, finally these are the materials in Topology:

\pagestyle{headings} \thispagestyle{headings}



