如何使用 BibLaTeX 省略 \printbibliography 中的一个特定引用?

如何使用 BibLaTeX 省略 \printbibliography 中的一个特定引用?




MWE(我的真实.bib 文件是我的整个库):


      author = {Myself, Me.},
      year = {2001},
      title = {Title1},
      publisher = {Publisher1},
        author = {Author, B.},
        year = {2002},
        title = {Title2},
        publisher = {Publisher2},

    This chapter has been published as :\\ 
    %(This \fullcite should not be in the reference list)

    In text cite: \cite{key2}



这是另一种方法,它创建一个具有自解释名称的命令\DontIncludeNextCite,并且不会影响同一 bibentry 的其他潜在引用。也就是说,这排除了特定的引文来自参考书目,但不是比本特利如果它在其他地方被引用。它还允许您使用refsegments(或refsections如果经过改编)。此外,它可以与任何 cite 命令一起使用,而不仅仅是\fullcite




\DeclareBibliographyCategory{entriesinbib1,entriesinbib2,entriesinbib3} % you need as many as the number of refsegments in your document



  author = {Myself, Me.},
  year = {2001},
  title = {Title1},
  publisher = {Publisher1},
    author = {Author, B.},
    year = {2002},
    title = {Title2},
    publisher = {Publisher2},




This chapter has been published as: \DontIncludeNextCite\fullcite{key1}. % This cite will not include key1 in the bibliography 

In text cite \parencite{key2}.

Another cite \parencite{key1}. % But this one will



Now, in a second refsegment.

This chapter has been published as :\\ 
\DontIncludeNextCite\fullcite{key1}. % This cite will not include key1 in the bibliography 

In text cite \parencite{key2}.



Now, in a third refsegment.

This chapter has been published as :\\ 
\DontIncludeNextCite\fullcite{key1}. % This cite will not include key1 in the bibliography 

In text cite \parencite{key2}.

Another cite \parencite{key1}. % But this one will




Biblatex 可让您打印参考书目,既可以不打印 .bib 文件中条目中包含特定关键字的所有项目,也可以只打印包含此关键字的项目。此操作的语法为\printbibliography[notkeyword=<keyword>]\printbibliography[keyword=<keyword>]。您应该按如下方式调整文件:


  author = {Myself, Me.},
  year = {2001},
  title = {Title1},
  publisher = {Publisher1},
  keyword = {donotinclude}
    author = {Author, B.},
    year = {2002},
    title = {Title2},
    publisher = {Publisher2},

This chapter has been published as :\\ 
%(This \fullcite should not be in the reference list)

In text cite: \cite{key2}




    This chapter has been published as :\\%

你的 MWE 看起来像


      author = {Myself, Me.},
      year = {2001},
      title = {Title1},
      publisher = {Publisher1},
        author = {Author, B.},
        year = {2002},
        title = {Title2},
        publisher = {Publisher2},

    This chapter has been published as :\\%

    In text cite: \cite{key2}

