


    \begin{axis}[ytick={0,0.5,1}, ymax=2, ymin=0, axis y line=left, axis x line=bottom,xmin = 0, xmax=
      8, small, boxplot/draw position=1.5, boxplot/box extend=.2, skip coords between index={0}{140}]

      \addplot+[mark size=0.5pt, boxplot]table[x index = 0, y index=\INDEX]{Graphics/iris.dat}

      \addplot [hist=density, fill=orange!75, draw=orange!50!black] table [x index = 0, y index=\INDEX]{Graphics/iris.dat};

      \addplot[scatter, only marks, mark=|, mark size=2pt, thick] table[x index=\INDEX ,y expr=0.02]{Graphics/iris.dat};


第一部分是部分答案,仅针对hist。请参阅下文了解 的可能解决方法boxplot。作为参考,iris.dat我在以下所有内容中使用的结构如下:

$ head -n5 iris.dat 
sl sw pl pw
5.10 3.50 1.40 0.20
4.90 3.00 1.40 0.20
4.70 3.20 1.30 0.20
4.60 3.10 1.50 0.20

技术文档在 1.15 版手册第 390 页的pgfplots描述下skip coords between index

这种风格通常适用于X坐标(即X坐标)。如果你想将它应用于hist/data或 之类的东西quiver/u,你可以

  1. 在样式名称后附加星号“*”并
  2. 提供目标坐标的名称作为第一个参数。

例如,skip coords between index*={hist/data}{2}{4}适用于hist/data

因此,如果您添加skip coords between index*={hist/data}{0}{140}选项axis,过滤似乎对 有效hist。我不知道 的等效项boxplot是什么,如果有的话(boxplot/data至少hist/data在这里不起作用)。



   ymax=2, ymin=0,
   axis y line=left,
   axis x line=bottom,
   xmin = 0, xmax=8,
   boxplot/draw position=1.5,
   boxplot/box extend=.2,
   skip coords between index*={hist/data}{0}{140},
   skip coords between index={0}{140}


  \addplot+[mark size=0.5pt,boxplot] table[x index = 0, y index=\INDEX]{iris.dat};

  \addplot [hist=density, fill=orange!75, draw=orange!50!black] table [x index = 0, y index=\INDEX]{iris.dat};

 \addplot[scatter, only marks, mark=|, mark size=2pt, thick] table[x index=\INDEX ,y expr=0.02]{iris.dat};


这相当复杂,但乍一看确实能提供有用的输出。下面我要做的是定义一个宏,\nanrows{i}{j}它复制 iris 表,但将 和 之间的行号的所有值替换为ij这样nan做还会添加一个包含行号的新列。这个新表保存为\IRISnan

添加新列意味着使用的列索引\addplot必须增加 1。




% #1: column name
% #2: table name
% #3: start index for nans
% #4: end index for nans
  create col/assign/.code={
  \pgfmathtruncatemacro\tmp{#3-1} % only have ">" comparison, not ">=", so subtract 1
  \ifnum \thisrow{index}>\tmp
     \ifnum \thisrow{index}<#4
       \edef\entry{nan} % if "lower value" <= index < "upper value", set value to nan
        \pgfplotstablegetelem{\thisrow{index}}{#1}\of\IRIS %otherwise use value from original iris-table
   \pgfkeyslet{/pgfplots/table/create col/next content}\entry
% #1: name of new table, optional
% #2: start index for nans, passed to \nancol
% #3: end index for nans, passed to \nancol
  create on use/index/.style={create col/set list={0,...,\NUMROWS}}

% set value in rows 0-99 to nan
% resulting table saved in \IRISnan

% if you want to look at the table (requires longtable package, see preamble)
%\pgfplotstabletypeset[begin table=\begin{longtable},end table=\end{longtable}]\IRISnan
   ymax=2, ymin=0,
   axis y line=left,
   axis x line=bottom,
   xmin = 0, xmax=8,
   boxplot/draw position=1.5,
   boxplot/box extend=.2,
   filter discard warning=false % removes a lot of warnings about unbounded coordinates


  \addplot+[mark size=0.5pt,boxplot] table[x index = 1, y index=\INDEX]{\IRISnan};

  \addplot [hist=density, fill=orange!75, draw=orange!50!black] table [x index = 1, y index=\INDEX]{\IRISnan};

   \addplot[scatter, only marks, mark=|, mark size=2pt, thick] table[x index=\INDEX ,y expr=0.02]{\IRISnan};
