

我正在排版一个包含两列不同宽度的文档。我决定使用两个宽度相同的小页面,但每次单词连字符时,LaTeX 都会发出 badbox 警告。有人知道如何消除该警告吗?它不会影响文档的视觉输出,因为它是正确的,但很烦人。




  This is a minimal script to get the error, you will see that every time needs to hyphen, it returns a badbox error. It can be seen more easily with long words like, genoma virtually generator firefighters
  In this `column' is the same, you can prove it if you want


首先,这些是警告,而不是错误。所以,你真的不必去掉它们。有一些这样的警告是可以的。LaTeX 给出这些警告的原因是第一个小页面的宽度非常小,无法包含漂亮的连字符,并且迫使程序在单词之间留出很大的间隙(如果与它们的长度相比)。




  This is a minimal script to get the error, you will see that every time needs to hyphen, it returns a badbox error. It can be seen more easily with long words like, genoma virtually generator firefighters
  In this `column' is the same, you can prove it if you want.   In this `column' is the same, you can prove it if you want  In this `column' is the same, you can prove it if you want  In this `column' is the same, you can prove it if you want  In this `column' is the same, you can prove it if you want




\begin{minipage}{0.25\linewidth} \small
  This is a minimal script to get the error, you will see that every time needs to hyphen, it returns a badbox error. It can be seen more easily with long words like, genoma virtually generator firefighters
  In this `column' is the same, you can prove it if you want.   In this `column' is the same, you can prove it if you want  In this `column' is the same, you can prove it if you want  In this `column' is the same, you can prove it if you want  In this `column' is the same, you can prove it if you want





如果你使用 LaTeX(与 XeLaTeX 或 LuaLaTeX 相反),你可以使用microtype包裹以改善间距。据我所知,它可以操纵每个单词的单个字符之间的间距。



  This is a minimal script to get the error, you will see that every time needs to hyphen, it returns a badbox error. It can be seen more easily with long words like, genoma virtually generator firefighters
  In this `column' is the same, you can prove it if you want


虽然它\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}具有允许对包含变音符号的单词进行连字符连接以及从生成的 PDF 中复制变音符号的积极作用,但它也有负面影响:

  • 字体质量(有点像素化,可读性较差)
  • 连字符可以不是从结果 pdf 中复制
  • 不是使用微缩印刷技术

