如何在 tikz-qtree 中指定分支位置?

如何在 tikz-qtree 中指定分支位置?

使用tikz-qtree,两个分支均来自 'S.south'(左图)。如何像右图一样手动(或自动)指定这些分支位置?

qtree 分支位置



\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style = {draw, rectangle}]
  % using tikz-qtree: both branches are from "S.south"
  \Tree [.S [.NP ]
        [.VP ]

  % desired: both branches are not from ''s.south''
  \begin{scope}[xshift = 2.5cm]
    \node (s) {S};
    \node (np) [below left = 0.50cm and 0.05cm of s] {NP};
    \node (vp) [below right = 0.50cm and 0.05cm of s] {VP};
    \draw (s) to (np);
    \draw (s) to (vp);



edge from parent/.style= {draw, 
     edge from parent path = {(\tikzparentnode) -- (\tikzchildnode)}}




\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style = {draw, rectangle},
  edge from parent/.style= { % added code
    draw, edge from parent path = {(\tikzparentnode) -- (\tikzchildnode)}},]
  % using tikz-qtree
  \Tree [.S [.NP ]
        [.VP ]

  % desired: both branches do not come from ''s.south''
  \begin{scope}[xshift = 2.5cm]
    \node (s) {S};
    \node (np) [below left = 0.50cm and 0.05cm of s] {NP};
    \node (vp) [below right = 0.50cm and 0.05cm of s] {VP};
    \draw (s) to (np);
    \draw (s) to (vp);
