以下 MWE 将误差线显示x
\pgfplotsset{compat = 1.15}
\addplot+ [
error bars/.cd,
y dir=both,y explicit,
x dir=both,x explicit,
] coordinates {
(0,0) +- (0.15,0.1)
(0.5,0.5) +- (0.1,0.2)
(1,1) +- (0.3,0.1)
% used PGFPlots v1.15
error box corner point style/.style={
% to activate the "snap to nearest" feature of `pos'
only marks,
% to also not draw a marker
mark size=0pt,
% to not account for possible legend entries
% and to not increase the `cycle list index'
forget plot,
x y xerr yerr
0 0 0.15 0.1
0.5 0.5 0.1 0.2
1 1 0.3 0.1
% store number of data points
% draw invisible points on the lower left corners of the error rectangles
% using the previously defined style
\addplot [error box corner point style] table [
x expr=\thisrow{x} - \thisrow{xerr},
y expr=\thisrow{y} - \thisrow{yerr},
] {\loadedtable}
% set a coordinate on each data point
\foreach \i in {0,...,\N} {
coordinate [pos=\i/\N] (ll \i)
% draw invisible points on the upper right corners of the error rectangles
% using the previously defined style
\addplot [error box corner point style] table [
x expr=\thisrow{x} + \thisrow{xerr},
y expr=\thisrow{y} + \thisrow{yerr},
] {\loadedtable}
% (same as for the lower left corners)
\foreach \i in {0,...,\N} {
coordinate [pos=\i/\N] (ur \i)
% draw the error rectangles with the help of the created coordinates
\pgfplotsforeachungrouped \i in {0,...,\N} {
\fill [opacity=0.3,blue!25] (ll \i) rectangle (ur \i);
% draw the data points (on top of the error rectangles)
\addplot table [x=x,y=y] {\loadedtable};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% only needed for debugging purposes
\addplot+ [
no marks,
error bars/.cd,
y dir=both,y explicit,
x dir=both,x explicit,
] table [
x error=xerr,
y error=yerr,
] {\loadedtable};
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------