\tikzset{join/.code=\tikzset{after node path={%
edge[every join]#1(\tikzchaincurrent)\fi}}}
\tikzset{>=stealth',every on chain/.append style={join},
every join/.style={->}}
\tikzstyle{labeled}=[execute at begin node=$\scriptstyle,
execute at end node=$]
\matrix (m) [matrix of math nodes, row sep=3em, column sep=3em]
{ group \, 1 & N & \phantom{N} & M & S,M & \phantom{S,M} \\
group \, 2 & N & S,M & & \phantom{S,M} & \phantom{S,M} \\ };
{ [start chain] \chainin (m-1-2);
\chainin (m-1-4); %[join={node[above,labeled] {\psi}}];
\chainin (m-1-5);
\chainin (m-1-6);}
{ [start chain] \chainin (m-2-2);
\chainin (m-2-3);
{ [start branch=A] \chainin (m-1-3);}
\chainin (m-2-6);}
这是实现类似目标的一种方法。根据 cfr 的建议,在 中添加第三行\matrix
坐标语法(请参阅TikZ:箭头的 |- 符号到底起什么作用?)。
join/.code=\tikzset{after node path={%
edge[every join]#1(\tikzchaincurrent)\fi}
every on chain/.append style={join},
every join/.style={->},
execute at begin node=$\scriptstyle,
execute at end node=$
\matrix (m) [
matrix of math nodes,
nodes in empty cells, % adds nodes in cells without content
row sep=3em, column sep=4em,
nodes={font={\vphantom{S,}}}, % to account for missing commas, no need for \phantoms
row 3/.style={text height=0pt,text depth=0pt} % to reduce height of nodes in third row
% note \text for first column
% added third row as suggested by cfr
{ \text{group 1} &[-2em] N & & M & S,M & & \\
\text{group 2} & N & S,M & & & & \\[-2em] % reduce space between second and third row
&&&&&& \\
{ [start chain]
\chainin (m-1-2);
\chainin (m-1-4); %[join={node[above,labeled] {\psi}}];
\chainin (m-1-5);
\chainin (m-1-7);}
{ [start chain]
\chainin (m-2-2);
\chainin (m-2-3);
\chainin (m-2-7);}
% draw dashed vertical lines
\draw [densely dashed,->] (m-2-3) -- (m-2-3 |- m-1-1);
\draw [densely dashed,->] (m-1-4 |- m-2-1) -- (m-1-4);
% draw arrow for timeline
\draw [->] (m-3-1 -| m-2-1.east) -- (m-3-7);
% draw ticks and add labels
\foreach [count=\i from 2] \txt in {
Before\\Sept. 2013,
Sept. 2013,
Jan. 2014,
March 2015,
After\\March 2015} {
\draw ([yshift=2pt]m-3-\i.center) -- ++(0,-4pt)
node [below,align=center,font=\footnotesize] {\txt};