我需要创建 3 个宽度相同的列,并将其拆分为高度相同的单元格,这样当我打印文本和公式时,如果容量不够,它们将自动放置在下一个单元格中。因此,当我在底部单元格中打印某些内容而容量不够时,它应该放置在下一个右上方单元格中。我该怎么做?
| This is the text that I want to be | Suppose this is next text from|
| placed in cells specific way. | left bottom cell, but it also |
| Suppose this part of the text is | doesn't fit with the cell |
| perfectly fit with the height of | hight, so it's transfered the |
| the cell, but for example from here| next right up cell. <ENTER> |
| THIS word doesn't fit with the | And the text continued here. |
| height of previous cell and and | |
| shouldn't be placed the next string| |
| in previous cell, but should be put| |
| the first string in the cell below | |
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您可以使用几何包指定 5cm x 3.5cm 的页面大小,这将使每个“块”成为 pdf 中的一页,然后在打印 pdf 时指定每个物理页面的 3x6 pdf 页面布局。