如何告诉 XeLaTeX 使用一种字体来表示斜体数学运算,使用另一种字体来表示粗体数学运算?

如何告诉 XeLaTeX 使用一种字体来表示斜体数学运算,使用另一种字体来表示粗体数学运算?

我正在努力让 XeLaTeX 在数学模式下给我粗体希腊符号,但我不知道如何在序言中正确指定内容。我花了几个小时在谷歌上搜索和浏览这个论坛,虽然我找到了很多帮助我消除编译错误的极度提示,但我仍然没有找到。

我刚刚从 Rotis Semi Sans 系列购买了希腊字体,所以我现在有两个文件 RotisSemiSansProGrk-Italic.otf 和 RotisSemiSansProGrk-Bold.otf,我认为它们足以满足我的目的:我希望数学模式下的非粗体拉丁字母和希腊字母为斜体,而粗体拉丁字母和希腊字母(仍在数学模式下)为直立。以下是我最好的尝试,它在编译时没有出现任何错误,并且就非粗体拉丁字母和希腊字母以及粗体拉丁字母而言运行良好,但就是无法给我直立的粗体希腊符号:



    \setprimaryfont{Rotis Semi Sans Std}


    This is some sample text.

    \textbf{This is some sample text in bold.}

    This is a pair of equations with italic Latin letters:
    a+2b=3c,\quad B=S

    This is a pair of equations with upright and bold Latin letters:
    \mathbf{a}+2\mathbf{b}=3\mathbf{c},\quad \mathbf{B}=\mathbf{S}

    This is a pair of equations with italic Greek letters:
    \alpha+2\beta=3\gamma,\quad \beta=\Sigma

    This is a pair of equations with Greek letters, which I'd like to be upright and bold:
    \mathbf{\alpha}+2\mathbf{\beta}=3\mathbf{\gamma},\quad \mathbf{\beta}=\mathbf{\Sigma}

    \fontspec{RotisSemiSansProGrk-Bold} There I can get bold upright Greek, but not in math mode: α β γ Σ




如果我取消注释序言中的注释行,我会在方程式中获得粗体希腊符号,但任何希腊符号都会变成粗体。我不知道如何告诉 XeLaTex 使用一个 .otf 文件作为斜体,另一个文件作为粗体。

我考虑过使用unicode 数学,但不支持 Rotis Semi Sans。





%%% Addded these packages
%%%End of packages added

    \setromanfont{Linux Libertine O}
    \newfontfamily{\newfont}{Liberation Serif}
    \setmathsfont(Greek)[Lowercase=Regular]{Liberation Serif-Italic}

%%%Added this form Joseph
%%% Joseph Wright's code from here: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/42332/120578
    \if\string\ \removeabs@aux@ii\fi

%%%End of Josheph Wrigth's code

\newcommand{\mybold}[2][0.06]{\tikz[remember picture,inner sep=0,anchor=base,baseline]%
\foreach \i in{-#1,0,#1}{%
\begin{tikzpicture}[inner sep=0,remember picture,overlay,anchor=center, baseline]\node[xshift=\i pt,yshift=-\i pt] at(A1){$#2$};%
\node[xshift=-\i pt,yshift=\i pt] at(A1){$#2$};%

%%% Added this code of mine:
\newcommand{\myUpbold}[2][0.06]{\tikz[remember picture,inner sep=0,anchor=base,baseline]%
\node(A1){\csname text\removeabs{#2}\endcsname};%
\foreach \i in{-#1,0,#1}{%
\begin{tikzpicture}[inner sep=0,remember picture,overlay,anchor=center,baseline]\node[xshift=\i pt,yshift=-\i pt] at(A1){\csname text\removeabs{#2}\endcsname};%
\node[xshift=-\i pt,yshift=\i pt] at(A1){\csname text\removeabs{#2}\endcsname};%
%%%End my code

    This is some sample text.

    \textbf{This is some sample text in bold.}

    This is a pair of equations with italic Latin letters:
    a+2b=3c,\quad B=S

    This is a pair of equations with upright and bold Latin letters:
    \mathbf{a}+2\mathbf{b}=3\mathbf{c},\quad \mathbf{B}=\mathbf{S}

    This is a pair of equations with italic Greek letters:
    \alpha+2\beta=3\gamma,\quad \beta=\Sigma

   This is a pair of equations with Greek letters, which I'd like to be upright and semi-bold:

    \mathbf{\alpha}+2\mathbf{\beta}=3\mathbf{\gamma},\quad \mathbf{\beta}=\mathbf{\Sigma}

       This is a pair of equations with Greek letters, which I'd like to be upright and bold:

    \mathbf{\alpha}+2\mathbf{\beta}=3\mathbf{\gamma},\quad \mathbf{\beta}=\mathbf{\Sigma}

   This is a pair of equations with Greek letters, which are italic and semi-bold:

    \mathbf{\alpha}+2\mathbf{\beta}=3\mathbf{\gamma},\quad \mathbf{\beta}=\mathbf{\Sigma}

     This is a pair of equations with Greek letters, which are italic and really-bold:

    \mathbf{\alpha}+2\mathbf{\beta}=3\mathbf{\gamma},\quad \mathbf{\beta}=\mathbf{\Sigma}

 {   \bfseries

     There I can get bold upright Greek: α β γ Σ


这个想法是我的一个旧想法,它是这样的: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/396336/120578


使用了 Joseph Wright 的代码: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/42332/120578





    \setprimaryfont{Rotis Semi Sans Std}
    \newfontfamily{\newfont}{Rotis Semi Sans Std}


