\scriptsize \rotatebox{90}{\makecell{No. of\\the line.}} & \tiny\centering
THE COLUMN WITH THE MOST TEXT. & \scriptsize\makecell{A header\\AND\\the
description\\to go\\with it} & \scriptsize\makecell{Another header\\AND\\the
description\\to go\\with it}\\ \hline
O & Some quite long text that will definitetly wrap over three lines&
\makecell{100, 500 Values.\\36 No.} & 36, 24 No.\\ \hline
\renewcommand\tabularxcolumn[1]{ m{#1} }
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ | >{\centering} m{2em} | X | c | c | }
\scriptsize \rotatebox{90}{\makecell{No.\ of \\ the line.}}
& \tiny\centering THE COLUMN WITH THE MOST TEXT.
& \scriptsize\makecell{A header \\ AND \\ the description \\ to go \\ with it}
& \scriptsize\makecell{Another header \\ AND \\ the description \\ to go \\ with it} \\
O & Some quite long text that will definitely wrap over three lines
& \makecell{100, 500 Values. \\ 36 No.} & 36, 24 No. \\