我是新手,所以我将我在 Overleaf.com 上找到的文档/模板中的代码复制/粘贴到我的 LaTeX 文档中,希望得到如下所示的表格。但是,它没有按预期工作。
\caption{This is a table. Tables should be self-contained and complement, but not duplicate, information contained in the text. They should be not be provided as images. Legends should be concise but comprehensive – the table, legend and footnotes must be understandable without reference to the text. All abbreviations must be defined in footnotes.}
\thead{Variables} & \thead{JKL ($\boldsymbol{n=30}$)} & \thead{Control ($\boldsymbol{n=40}$)} & \thead{MN} & \thead{$\boldsymbol t$ (68)}\\
Age at testing & 38 & 58 & 504.48 & 58 ms\\
Age at testing & 38 & 58 & 504.48 & 58 ms\\
Age at testing & 38 & 58 & 504.48 & 58 ms\\
Age at testing & 38 & 58 & 504.48 & 58 ms\\
stop alternating row colors from here onwards\\
Age at testing & 38 & 58 & 504.48 & 58 ms\\
Age at testing & 38 & 58 & 504.48 & 58 ms\\
\hline % Please only put a hline at the end of the table
\item JKL, just keep laughing; MN, merry noise.
仅复制活动窗口中的代码不会考虑与模板/项目一起工作的所有其他组件。您应该将整个项目文件夹复制到某个本地工作文件夹,您可以在其中编译项目。按照如何下载 Overleaf 模板?,这些是与模板相关的所有文件:
如果您希望参考书目正常工作,您还必须使用 BibTeX 进行编译。