宏,我已使用 create col 命令和\edef
宏成功创建了一个新的组合列,其中包含来自 3 列的文本。我不了解这些命令的全部范围和机会,因为我是从这些论坛的其他地方学到的。那么我如何调整表格以提供以下内容:
- 在表格中的组合列中添加换行符,以便将从源表列“出版物”收集的文本放在其新的组合单元格内的新行上(我已插入
但没有帮助) - 更改组合列中单行的行距(例如,包含来自源“出版物”的数据的行)
- 定义一个文本字符串,该字符串每次出现在表格中时都应以粗体显示,例如“Strand TE”
- 仅选择 Cat 列中具有给定字符串的列将其包含在最终表中,例如 Cat =“A”
最终文本将从 .csv 文件导入,因此我需要使用\pgfplotstabletypeset
\newcolumntype{C}{>{\arraybackslash}m{1.5 cm}}
\newcolumntype{D}{>{\arraybackslash}m{14 cm}}
Cat, Author, Publication, Forum
A, Ashraf H; Strand TE; Friesland S; Koyi H, Implementation of Lung Cancer CT Screening in the Nordic Countries., Acta Oncol. 2017:56:1249-57. doi: 10.1080/0284186X.2017.1329592
B, Strand TE; Zare HK; Boico A; Radiloff D; Zhao Y; Irwin D, The novel combination of theophylline and bambuterol as a potential treatment of hypoxemia in humans., Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2017 May 3. doi: 10.1139/cjpp-2016-0635.
B, Chahal-Kummen M; Strand TE; Owe JO; Gulliksen E; Wagstaff AS., Aeromedical Evaluation for an F-16 Candidate with Incomplete Paraplegia, Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance Vol. 87 No. 11 November 2016
A, Amini M; Hisdal J; Gjovaag T; Kapetanovic N; Strand TE; Owe JO; Horthe JR; Mirtaheri P., Near Infrared spectra in buccal tissue as a marker for detection of hypoxia, Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2016:87:498-504
begin table=\begin{longtable},
col sep=comma,
header=has colnames,
create on use/Combined/.style={
create col/assign/.code={
\thisrow{Author}, \thisrow{Publication}, \allowbreak \thisrow{Forum}
\pgfkeyslet{/pgfplots/table/create col/next content}{\entry}
columns={Cat, Combined},
columns/Kat/.style={column name=Category, column type=C},
columns/Combined/.style={column name=Combined column, column type=D},
string type,
end table=\end{longtable}
这实现了所有规范;我已将 14 厘米改为 8 厘米以适合页面,并用作tabularx
\newcolumntype{C}{>{\arraybackslash}m{1.5 cm}}
\newcolumntype{D}{>{\arraybackslash}m{10 cm}}
Cat, Author, Publication, Forum
A, Ashraf H; Strand TE; Friesland S; Koyi H, Implementation of Lung Cancer CT Screening in the Nordic Countries., Acta Oncol. 2017:56:1249-57. doi: 10.1080/0284186X.2017.1329592
B, Strand TE; Zare HK; Boico A; Radiloff D; Zhao Y; Irwin D, The novel combination of theophylline and bambuterol as a potential treatment of hypoxemia in humans., Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2017 May 3. doi: 10.1139/cjpp-2016-0635.
B, Chahal-Kummen M; Strand TE; Owe JO; Gulliksen E; Wagstaff AS., Aeromedical Evaluation for an F-16 Candidate with Incomplete Paraplegia, Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance Vol. 87 No. 11 November 2016
A, Amini M; Hisdal J; Gjovaag T; Kapetanovic N; Strand TE; Owe JO; Horthe JR; Mirtaheri P., Near Infrared spectra in buccal tissue as a marker for detection of hypoxia, Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2016:87:498-504
col sep=comma,
header=has colnames,
create on use/Combined/.style={
create col/assign/.code={%
\thisrow{Publication}, \thisrow{Forum}\noexpand\end{tabularx}}%
\pgfkeyslet{/pgfplots/table/create col/next content}{\entry}%
begin table=\begin{longtable},
end table=\end{longtable},
columns={Cat, Combined},
columns/Cat/.style={column name=Category, column type=C},
columns/Combined/.style={column name=Combined column, column type=D,
string replace*={Strand TE}{\textbf{Strand TE}}},
string type,
row predicate/.code={\pgfplotstablegetelem{#1}{Cat}\of\mytable%
\expandafter\if\pgfplotsretval B\else\pgfplotstableuserowfalse\fi}