如何仅*一次*更改 \subsubsection 的编号?

如何仅*一次*更改 \subsubsection 的编号?


章节通常以123、 …编号。





假设这是在章节内2。如果我现在使用\subsection{Step 1},此小节将编号为2.0.1。但我不希望它以这种方式编号,也不想编号为2.1。我更希望它编号为1,,2



\DisableLigatures[f]{encoding = T1}
\addto\captionsbritish{% Replace "english" with the language you use
    {Table of contents}%
        {\scshape\LARGE Titlepage \par}


    This is chapter one.
    \section{One dot one}
    This is the first section of chapter one.
    \subsection{One dot one dot one}
    This is the first subsection of chapter one.
    \subsection{One dot one dot two}
    This is the second subsection of chapter one.
    \subsubsection{One dot one dot two dot one}
    This is the first subsection of 1.2.
    \subsubsection{One dot one dot two dot two}
    This is the second subsection of 1.2.
    \section{One dot two}
    This is the second section of chapter one.
    This is chapter two.
    \section{Two dot one}
    This is the first section of chapter two.
    \subsection*{Subsection of chapter two}
    \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Subsection of chapter two}
    This is the only subsection of chapter two. It, thus, does not have any numbering. But it contains two subsections which I do not want to be numbered in the way as described above.
    \subsubsection{Step 1}
    This is the first subsection (= subsubsection) of “Subsection of chapter two”.
    \subsubsection{Step 2}
    This is the second subsection (= subsubsection) of “Subsection of chapter two”.
    \section{Two dot two}
    This is the second section of chapter two.



现在,我还看到了另一个美学问题,但我不一定需要解决这个问题。在目录中,Subsection of chapter two与 左对齐。也许最好将 缩进一点,以便它与子小节编号的开头对齐。Two dot oneSubsection of chapter two



\subsection*{Subsection of chapter two}
\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Subsection of chapter two}
This is the only subsection of chapter two. It, thus, does not have any numbering. But it contains two subsections which I do not want to be numbered in the way as described above.
\subsubsection{Step 1}
This is the first subsection (= subsubsection) of “Subsection of chapter two”.
\subsubsection{Step 2}
This is the second subsection (= subsubsection) of “Subsection of chapter two”.

——这将在 TeX 组内改变\thesubsection,即只要这里需要它,包括两个子部分。

\DisableLigatures[f]{encoding = T1}
\addto\captionsbritish{% Replace "english" with the language you use
    {Table of contents}%
        {\scshape\LARGE Titlepage \par}


    This is chapter one.
    \section{One dot one}
    This is the first section of chapter one.
    \subsection{One dot one dot one}
    This is the first subsection of chapter one.
    \subsection{One dot one dot two}
    This is the second subsection of chapter one.
    \subsubsection{One dot one dot two dot one}
    This is the first subsection of 1.2.
    \subsubsection{One dot one dot two dot two}
    This is the second subsection of 1.2.
    \section{One dot two}
    This is the second section of chapter one.
    This is chapter two.
    \section{Two dot one}
    This is the first section of chapter two.
    \subsection*{Subsection of chapter two}
    \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Subsection of chapter two}
    This is the only subsection of chapter two. It, thus, does not have any numbering. But it contains two subsections which I do not want to be numbered in the way as described above.
    \subsubsection{Step 1}
    This is the first subsection (= subsubsection) of “Subsection of chapter two”.
    \subsubsection{Step 2}
    This is the second subsection (= subsubsection) of “Subsection of chapter two”.
    \section{Two dot two}
    This is the second section of chapter two.




\DisableLigatures[f]{encoding = T1}
\addto\captionsbritish{% Replace "english" with the language you use
    {Table of contents}%
        {\scshape\LARGE Titlepage \par}


    This is chapter one.
    \section{One dot one}
    This is the first section of chapter one.
    \subsection{One dot one dot one}
    This is the first subsection of chapter one.
    \subsection{One dot one dot two}
    This is the second subsection of chapter one.
    \subsubsection{One dot one dot two dot one}
    This is the first subsection of 1.2.
    \subsubsection{One dot one dot two dot two}
    This is the second subsection of 1.2.
    \section{One dot two}
    This is the second section of chapter one.
    This is chapter two.
    \section{Two dot one}
    This is the first section of chapter two.
    \subsection*{Subsection of chapter two}
    \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Subsection of chapter two}
    This is the only subsection of chapter two. It, thus, does not have any numbering. But it contains two subsections which I do not want to be numbered in the way as described above.
    \subsubsection{Step 1}
    This is the first subsection (= subsubsection) of “Subsection of chapter two”.
    \subsubsection{Step 2}
    This is the second subsection (= subsubsection) of “Subsection of chapter two”.
    \section{Two dot two}
    This is the second section of chapter two.


\specialsubsubsection{Step 1\label{step1}}
