tikz 到图像文件

tikz 到图像文件



    \tikz{ %
        \node[latent] (phi) {$\phi$};
        \node[latent, right=of phi] (f) {$f$};
        \node[obs, right=of f] (y) {$\bf{y}$};
        \node[latent, above =of f] (sigma) {$\sigma_y$};
        \edge {phi} {f};
        \edge {f, sigma} {y};

我在 Windows 上使用 TeXstudio,我想生成图像文件(比如 .eps)而不是 pdf。


根据我从 tikz 导出 eps 的经验,我对结果并不十分满意。大多数情况下,如果我需要 tikz 中的矢量图形,我会将其编译为 pdf 并使用它(或转换为 svg,例如使用 Inkscape)。如果您只需要一张图片,您可以使用 ImageMagick 将其转换为 png。


%% Usage for eps-pictures
% Warning: Quality of text seems to be awful with eps...
% Use this documentclass instead of the one below
% \documentclass{standalone}

% Step 1: Include the tikzpicture below, adjust the used packages if needed
% Step 2: Compile to standard pdf, you should receive the image as pdf cropped to the drawing
% Step 3: Run `pdftops -eps ImageExport.pdf`
% Step 4: Rename the resulting eps file accordingly, use it!

% If some app doesn't want to include the graphic correctly, try running `pdftops -level1 -eps ImageExport.pdf` or `pdftops -level2 -eps ImageExport.pdf`

%% Usage for png-pictures
% Needs ImageMagick (http://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php) and for Windows also Ghostscript (http://ghostscript.com/download/gsdnld.html, 32bit)

% Step 1: Include the tikzpicture below, adjust the used packages if needed
% Step 2: Compile like always but be sure to use the `--shell-escape` option. Ignore errors like "Undefined control sequence \HyperFirstAtBeginDocument"
% Step 3: Rename the resulting png file accordingly, use it!



