centerentry 命令/垂直 + 水平空间

centerentry 命令/垂直 + 水平空间

我使用 centerentry 命令



  1. 垂直获取标题前后的一些景观?

  2. 水平移动?该命令assmargin不起作用。还有其他方法吗?

  \usepackage{graphicx, tabularx}

       \tabularx{\linewidth}{ @{} m{\imagecolwidth} X @{} }
         \includegraphics[width=\linewidth,#1]{#2} &

    \sloppy% Just for this example

    \section {Write some text}
    Some important symbols (I)\\
    %\begin{addmargin}[0.2cm]{0.3cm} %%% DOES NOT WORK
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    %\end{addmargin} %%% DOES NOT WORK
    Some important symbols (II)\\
    %\begin{addmargin}[0.2cm]{0.3cm} %%% DOES NOT WORK
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    %\end{addmargin} %%% DOES NOT WORK




  \usepackage{graphicx, tabularx}

       \tabularx{\linewidth}{ @{\hspace{\dimexpr-2em-2\tabcolsep\relax}} m{\imagecolwidth} X @{} }
         \includegraphics[width=\linewidth,#1]{#2} &

    \sloppy% Just for this example

    \section {Write some text}

    \subsection*{Some important symbols (I)}
    %\begin{addmargin}[0.2cm]{0.3cm} %%% DOES NOT WORK
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    %\end{addmargin} %%% DOES NOT WORK
\subsection*{Some important symbols (II)}
    %\begin{addmargin}[0.2cm]{0.3cm} %%% DOES NOT WORK
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    \begin{centerentry}{example-image-a}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. \end{centerentry}
    %\end{addmargin} %%% DOES NOT WORK

