Latex 需要引用罗马数字“et al.”

Latex 需要引用罗马数字“et al.”

我正在向期刊提交一篇论文。在引用中有多个作者时,会出现“第一作者,et al. [1]”,但“et al.”会显示为斜体。期刊希望它为罗马字母。我进行了一些搜索,但找不到任何可行的解决方案。以下是我的 MWE。非常感谢任何帮助!

\journal{Journal of XXX}

%Temporary Bibliography
    Title                    = {Dimension reduction and coefficient estimation in multivariate linear regression},
    Author                   = {Yuan, Ming and Ekici, Ali and Lu, Zhaosong and Monteiro, Renato},
    Journal                  = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B},
    Year                     = {2007},
    Number                   = {3},
    Pages                    = {329-346},
    Volume                   = {69},
\immediate\write18{bibtex \jobname}

    \title{This is a title}         
    \author[uc]{Jane Doe}
    \address[uc]{Address of UC}     

This is bla bla, \citet{yuan2007}
