siunitx 在表格中的怪异行为

siunitx 在表格中的怪异行为


1-正如@marmot 所问,代码已更新
2-正如@egreg 所指出,代码已更新


我正在尝试编译一个以小数点为中心的表格。为此,我使用了inS的“ ”选项,如下所示。此表位于两列页面上 - 因此使用* 函数。siunitxtabulartable

\usepackage{siunitx} % use this package module for SI units


\begin{table*}% table* allows a table to spawn the entire width of the page.
    \caption{Spectroscopic Parameters and Relative Energies Calculated at the MP2/6-311++G(d,p) Level of Theory for the Lowest-Energy Conformers of Synephrine}
 &Rotamer $ I $   &Rotamer $ II $ &Rotamer $ III $&Rotamer $ IV $ \\
$ A^{a} $      &3065.6858(11)$ ^{b} $   &3064.85192(78) &2479.83963(70) &2478.4259(21)\\
$ B $          &540.46172(20)   &538.62660(18)  &614.51086(19)  &613.38156(16)\\
$ C  $         &498.99506(17)   &501.10248(14)  &582.56681(33)  &584.25597(24)\\
$ \chi_{aa} $  &  2.3300(70)    &  2.3960(63)   &  1.3220(75)   &  1.257(35)\\
$ \chi_{bb} $  & -2.9628(70)    & -2.7624(76)   & -3.7288(81)   & -3.514(23)\\
$ \chi_{cc} $  &  0.6328(70)    &  0.3724(76)   &  2.4068(81)   &  2.257(23)\\
$ \mu_{a}^{c} $&Y               &Y              &N              &N\\
$ \mu_{b}^{c} $&Y               &Y              &Y              &Y\\
$ \mu_{c}^{c} $&Y               &Y              &N              &Y\\
$ N^{e} $      &24              &26             &19             &25\\
$\sigma^{e}$   &2.3             &2.3            &3.5            &3.3\\
    \caption*{ \small $ ^{a}A $, $ B $, and $ C $ are the rotational constants (in $ MHz $); $ \chi_{aa} $, $ \chi_{bb} $, and $ \chi_{cc} $ are elements of the $ ^{14} $N nuclear quadrupole coupling tensor (in $ MHz $). $ ^{b} $Standard errors indicated in parentheses in units of the last digit. $ ^{c} $Y (yes) and N (no) indicate whether $ a- $, $ b- $, and $ c- $type transitions were observed for each structure. $ ^{d} $Number of fitted transitions. $ ^{e} $Root mean square of the fit (in $ kH $z).}


我注意到使用 using\begin{tabular}{lSSSS}选项会强制在列中留出很多空白(可以理解),但最终结果非常糟糕!请注意,使用此制表符时“e”被“吃掉”了!

使用 \begin{tabular}{lSSSS} 例如,使用 可以{lllll}正确呈现表格,但未对齐

使用 \begin{tabular}{llll}



当应用 egreg 代码的变体时,

\begin{table*}[p] % table* allows a table to spawn the entire width of the page.

\caption{Spectroscopic Parameters and Relative Energies Calculated at the 
    MP2/6-311++G(d,p) Level of Theory for the Lowest-Energy Conformers of Synephrine}
\label{C3-table:4} % should go after \caption


\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{ @{\extracolsep{\fill}} l *{6}{S[table-format=4.5(2)]} @{} }
    & {Rotamer $I$} & {Rotamer $II$} & {Rotamer $III$} & {Rotamer $IV$} & {Rotamer $V$} & {Rotamer $VI$} \\
    $A$\tn{a} & 2619.31951(91)\TN{b} &  2621.43704(81) & 2431.79192(93) & 2429.8036(26) & 1751.6139(17) & 1749.29934(76)\\
    $B$ & 417.815936(90) &  416.712685(80) & 401.522388(86) & 399.97472(24) & 491.43186(17) & 491.01374(10) \\
    $C$ & 386.003079(87) & 387.043532(75) & 383.211109(81) & 385.16449(25) & 464.06642(12) & 465.271378(96)\\
    $\chi_{aa}$ & 2.524(18) & 2.587(16) & 2.537(19) & 2.580(72) & 1.573(47) & 1.596(12) \\
    $\chi_{bb}$ &-3.054(13) &-2.778(12) &-4.767(15) &-4.764(62) &-1.187(31) &-0.9142(93)\\
    $\chi_{cc}$ & 0.530(13) & 0.250(12) & 2.231(14) & 2.184(62) &-0.387(31) &-0.6818(93)\\
    $\mu_{a}$\tn{c} & {Y}   & {Y} & {Y} & {Y} & {N} & {N} \\
    $\mu_{b}$\tn{c} & {Y}   & {Y} & {Y} & {Y} & {Y} & {Y} \\
    $\mu_{c}$\tn{c} & {Y}   & {Y} & {Y} & {N} & {N} & {Y} \\
    $N$\tn{d}       & \num{31} & \num{32} & \num{18} \num{20} & \num{14} & \num{20} \\
    $\sigma$\tn{e}  & \num{2.1} & \num{1.8} & \num{2.3} & \num{3.1} & \num{1.7} & \num{2.1} \\


    \item $A$, $B$, and $C$ are the rotational constants (in \si{MHz});
    $\chi_{aa}$, $\chi_{bb}$, and $\chi_{cc}$ are elements of the $^{14}$N 
    nuclear quadrupole coupling tensor (in \si{MHz}).

    \item Standard errors indicated in parentheses in units of the last digit. 

    \item Y (yes) and N (no) indicate whether $a$-, $b$-, and $c$-type transitions
    were observed for each structure.

    \item Number of fitted transitions.

    \item Root mean square of the fit (in \si{kHz}).




这里有几个选项:1 - 我试过了pdflscape但不知为何它没有正常工作(仍在努力!)2 - 调整字体大小(呃!)3 - 向社区寻求“啊哈!”解决方案!





\usepackage{siunitx} % use this package module for SI units



\begin{table*}% table* allows a table to spawn the entire width of the page.

\caption{Spectroscopic Parameters and Relative Energies Calculated at the 
  MP2/6-311++G(d,p) Level of Theory for the Lowest-Energy Conformers of Synephrine}
\label{C3-table:2} % should go after \caption


\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{ @{\extracolsep{\fill}} l *{4}{S[table-format=4.5(2)]} @{} }
 & {Rotamer $I$} & {Rotamer $II$} & {Rotamer $III$} & {Rotamer $IV$} \\
$A$\tn{a}       & 3065.6858(11)\TN{b} & 3064.85192(78) & 2479.83963(70) & 2478.4259(21)\\
$B$             &  540.46172(20)      &  538.62660(18) &  614.51086(19) &  613.38156(16)\\
$C$             &  498.99506(17)      &  501.10248(14) &  582.56681(33) &  584.25597(24)\\
$\chi_{aa}$     &    2.3300(70)       &    2.3960(63)  &    1.3220(75)  &    1.257(35)\\
$\chi_{bb}$     &   -2.9628(70)       &   -2.7624(76)  &   -3.7288(81)  &   -3.514(23)\\
$\chi_{cc}$     &    0.6328(70)       &    0.3724(76)  &    2.4068(81)  &    2.257(23)\\
$\mu_{a}$\tn{c} & {Y}                 & {Y}           & {N}             & {N} \\
$\mu_{b}$\tn{c} & {Y}                 & {Y}           & {Y}             & {Y} \\
$\mu_{c}$\tn{c} & {Y}                 & {Y}           & {N}             & {Y} \\
$N$\tn{e}       & \num{24}            & \num{26}      & \num{19}        & \num{25} \\
$\sigma$\tn{e}  & \num{2.3}           & \num{2.3}     & \num{3.5}       & \num{3.3} \\


\item $A$, $B$, and $C$ are the rotational constants (in \si{MHz});
      $\chi_{aa}$, $\chi_{bb}$, and $\chi_{cc}$ are elements of the $^{14}$N 
      nuclear quadrupole coupling tensor (in \si{MHz}).

\item Standard errors indicated in parentheses in units of the last digit. 

\item Y (yes) and N (no) indicate whether $a$-, $b$-, and $c$-type transitions
      were observed for each structure.

\item Number of fitted transitions.

\item Root mean square of the fit (in \si{kHz}).





为了使故事简短,我将 TeXnician 的评论放在代码中,我很乐意删除此帖子。除了这个技巧之外,您还需要将第一行中的项目放在括号中,请参阅 siunitx 手册表 7。

\usepackage{siunitx} % use this package module for SI units
\begin{table*}% table* allows a table to spawn the entire width of the page.
    \caption{Spectroscopic Parameters and Relative Energies Calculated at the MP2/6-311++G(d,p) Level of Theory for the Lowest-Energy Conformers of Synephrine}
 & {Rotamer $ I $}   & {Rotamer $ II $} & {Rotamer $ III $} & {Rotamer $ IV $} \\
$ A^{a} $      &3065.6858(11)$ ^{b} $   &3064.85192(78) &2479.83963(70) &2478.4259(21)\\
$ B $          &540.46172(20)   &538.62660(18)  &614.51086(19)  &613.38156(16)\\
$ C  $         &498.99506(17)   &501.10248(14)  &582.56681(33)  &584.25597(24)\\
$ \chi_{aa} $  &  2.3300(70)    &  2.3960(63)   &  1.3220(75)   &  1.257(35)\\
$ \chi_{bb} $  & -2.9628(70)    & -2.7624(76)   & -3.7288(81)   & -3.514(23)\\
$ \chi_{cc} $  &  0.6328(70)    &  0.3724(76)   &  2.4068(81)   &  2.257(23)\\
$ \mu_{a}^{c} $& {Y}               & {Y}              & {N}              & {N}\\
$ \mu_{b}^{c} $& {Y}               & {Y}              & {Y}              & {Y}\\
$ \mu_{c}^{c} $& {Y}               & {Y}              & {N}              & {Y}\\
$ N^{e} $      &24              &26             &19             &25\\
$\sigma^{e}$   &2.3             &2.3            &3.5            &3.3\\
    \caption*{ \small $ ^{a}A $, $ B $, and $ C $ are the rotational constants (in $ MHz $); $ \chi_{aa} $, $ \chi_{bb} $, and $ \chi_{cc} $ are elements of the $ ^{14} $N nuclear quadrupole coupling tensor (in $ MHz $). $ ^{b} $Standard errors indicated in parentheses in units of the last digit. $ ^{c} $Y (yes) and N (no) indicate whether $ a- $, $ b- $, and $ c- $type transitions were observed for each structure. $ ^{d} $Number of fitted transitions. $ ^{e} $Root mean square of the fit (in $ kH $z).}


