根据包含 \source{} 的图形标题生成图形来源列表

根据包含 \source{} 的图形标题生成图形来源列表

这个问题源自于从 \includegraphics 生成图形编号和文件名列表。那里的答案提供了从 LaTeX 源生成图号和相关文件名的文本文件的基本代码。现在,我需要将此方法扩展到进一步的任务,即收集图源的文本文件。


\newcommand{\source}[1]{\emph{Source:} #1.}


我希望至少从 LaTeX 源中提取此基础,通过修改\source{}命令来将行写入来源列表los) 文件。


  \caption[\desc{Presentation graphic} Mark Monmonier's re-vision of the Gilbert version of Snow's map, as
  a presentation graphic]{\desc{Presentation graphic} Mark Monmonier's re-vision of the Gilbert version of Snow's map, as
a presentation graphic. \source{Monmonier (1996), \emph{How to Lie with
Maps}, p. 158. Image: permission required, University of Chicago Press.}

如果这是书中的图 4.10,我希望重新定义的\source{}命令将一行写入文件,los例如:

4.10 Monmonier (1996), \emph{How to Lie with Maps}, p. 158. Image: permission required, University of Chicago Press.

换句话说: 通缉:一种修改方法\source{},以便它也能将行写入外部文件\jobname.los,格式如下

fignum source




\addcontentsline{los}{section}{\thefigure: #1}

将相关内容添加到.los文件中,格式与section常规的 类似ToC\@starttoc{los}读取.los文件并显示其内容。代码与 非常相似\tableofcontents



\DeclareRobustCommand{\source}[1]{\emph{Source:} \addcontentsline{los}{section}{\thefigure: #1}#1.}

  \chapter*{List of Sources}



  % Trying to determine the extension
  \advance\c@figure by \@ne
  \addtocontents{lfn}{\thefigure\space #3\loc@l@ext}

      \expandafter\newwrite\csname tf@#1\endcsname
      \immediate\openout \csname tf@#1\endcsname \jobname.#1\relax





    \caption{A reconstruction of Galton's method for finding contours of
        approximately equal frequency in the relationship between heights of parents
        and their children. \source{Foo stuff}

    \caption{A reconstruction of Galton's method for finding contours of
        approximately equal frequency in the relationship between heights of parents
        and their children. 
 \source{Monmonier (1996), \emph{How to Lie with
Maps}, p. 158. Image: permission required, University of Chicago Press.}


    \caption{A reconstruction of Galton's method for finding contours of
        approximately equal frequency in the relationship between heights of parents
        and their children. 

