下面的代码是如何构造三角形。我想扩展它。点 E 将与射线 BA 位于同一条线上,具有与点 A 和 B 相同的 y 坐标,位于 A 的左侧。角度 BCE = 90。这意味着角度 ACE = 15 度。这意味着您需要延长水平线,并且该线将与构造的角度相交。看起来像这样:
这是我目前的代码。忽略 %code。
myangle/.style={fill=green!20!white, draw=green!50!black,size=.3,opacity=.3},
intnode/.style={circle,fill=black,inner sep=1pt,outer sep=0pt}
% Drawing the triangle and the coordinates
\draw coordinate[label=left:A] (a) --++(60:6) coordinate[label=above:B] (b);
\path[name path=ac] (a)--++(0:8.5);
\path[name path=bc] (b)--++(-45:8);
\path[name intersections={of = ac and bc, by=c}];
\node[anchor=west] at (c) {C};
\draw[use as bounding box] (a)--(b)--(c)--cycle;
% Drawing the coordinates S and T
%\coordinate (s) at ($(a)!0.75!(b)$);
%\path[name path=incls] (s) --++ (-10:5);
\path[name path=altbc] (b) -- (c);
%\path[name intersections={of = incls and altbc, by=t}];
%\draw[dashed] (s) -- (t) node[intnode,label={right:{\color{black}\scriptsize $T$}}] (t) {};
% Angles
\tkzLabelAngle[pos=.4](a,b,c){\tiny $\angleABC^\circ$}
\tkzLabelAngle[pos=0.5](c,a,b){\tiny $\angleCAB^\circ$}
\tkzLabelAngle[pos=0.45](b,c,a){\tiny $\angleBCA^\circ$}
%\tkzLabelAngle[pos=0.4](a,s,t){\tiny $\angleAST^\circ$}
%\node[intnode,label={left:\scriptsize $S$}] at (s) {};
\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{angles, backgrounds, calc, intersections, positioning, quotes}
myangle/.style args = {#1/#2/#3}{angle radius=#1mm, angle eccentricity=#2,
draw=#3!80!black, fill=#3!20!white},
myangle/.default = 7/1.4/green
% triangle's coordinates and edges
\coordinate[label=below:A] (a);
\coordinate[label=below:B,right=8.5 of a] (b);
% triangle's coordinate determined by intersection
\path[name path=ac] (a) -- ++ ( 60:6.5);
\path[name path=bc] (b) -- ++ (135:8);
\path[name intersections={of = ac and bc, by=c}] node[label=C] at (c) {};;
% triangle's edges
\draw (a)--(c)--(b)--cycle;
% draw perpedicular line for intersection E
\path[name path=ae] (a) -- ++ (-2.5,0);
\path[name path=ce] (c) -- ($(c)!7.7cm!-90:(b)$);
\draw[name intersections={of = ce and ae, by=e},red]
(a) -- (e) node[below] {E} -- (c);
% angles at A, B, C
\pic [myangle, "\ang{60}"] {angle = b--a--c};
\pic [myangle, "\ang{45}"] {angle = c--b--a};
\pic [myangle, "\ang{75}"] {angle = a--c--b};
% angle for C-E and at E
\scoped[on background layer]
\pic [myangle=12/1.2/red, "\ang{90}"] {angle = e--c--b};
\pic [myangle=7/1.4/red, "\ang{45}"] {angle = a--e--c};
% triangle height
\draw[dashed] (c) -- (c |- a) coordinate[label=below:D] (d);