如何防止 LaTeX 在目录行的内容和页码之间留出太小的空间?

如何防止 LaTeX 在目录行的内容和页码之间留出太小的空间?

如果内容行的长度有点长,但又不是太多,LaTeX 会将其挤在页码之前。这对我来说看起来很糟糕。




\chapter{In the beginning}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos and jumping counts}
\section{Counting kangaroos and jumping counts}
\chapter{In the middle}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos and jumping counts}
\section{Counting kangaroos and jumping counts}
\chapter{In the end}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos and jumping counts}
\section{Counting kangaroos and jumping counts}


我无法想象以前没有人问过这个问题,但我没有找到一个好的解决方案。如何强制长章节名称(包括页码)保留在目录的边距中?担心同样的问题,但我已经加载了英国英语和威尔士语的连字模式,我正在使用 pdfLaTeX,但我不是使用 hyperref。因此,只剩下手动添加连字符点的解决方案,这远非最佳解决方案。评论中的另一个建议是缩短标题,但这不是这里的选项:我没有命名要包含的内容,也无法重新命名它。

有更好的解决方案吗?“更好”意味着解决方案是自动的(不需要在 LaTeX 知道如何在其他地方连字的单词中插入连字点)并且不需要重写内容以使其更短(或更长)。





%make sure that these two values are the same and then the titles
%on the right would break lines at one vertical lines.
\chapter{In the beginning}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos and jumping counts}
\section{Counting kangaroos and jumping counts}
\chapter{In the middle}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos and jumping counts}
\section{Counting kangaroos and jumping counts}
\chapter{In the end}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos and jumping counts}
\section{Counting kangaroos and jumping counts}







\chapter{In the beginning}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos and jumping counts}
\section{Counting kangaroos and jumping counts}
\chapter{In the middle}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos and jumping counts}
\section{Counting kangaroos and jumping counts}
\chapter{In the end}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos and jumping counts}
\section{Counting kangaroos and jumping counts}



\usepackage{titletoc, calc}


\chapter{In the beginning}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos and jumping counts}
\section{Counting kangaroos and jumping counts}
\chapter{In the middle}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos and jumping counts}
\section{Counting kangaroos and jumping counts}
\chapter{In the end}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos}
\section{The emptiness of nothingness and the blue ovoidness of avoiding voiding kangaroos and jumping counts}
\section{Counting kangaroos and jumping counts}


