IEEEtran 参考书目:包含破折号/连字符的 URL 会导致问题

IEEEtran 参考书目:包含破折号/连字符的 URL 会导致问题

每当我的参考书目文件中的 URL 包含破折号/连字符时,我都会收到以下类型的错误:

LaTeX 警告:第 1 页的引用“wright2006”在输入行 29 未定义。

(./Untitled.bbl ./Untitled.bbl:29: 缺少插入 $。

            $ l.29 ...l{}

我认为如果我删除 URL 字段,就不会出现问题。问题是我有一个bib包含 300 多个将被引用的条目的大文件。它们中的大多数都包含带有破折号/连字符的 URL 字段。我测试了不包含破折号/连字符的 URL 字段的引用,它们工作正常。我怎样才能做到这一点,而不必浏览整个文件并删除 300 多个 URL 字段?

以下是 MWE:

    Address = {New York, NY},
    Author = {Wright, Kenneth W.},
    Booktitle = {Handbook of Pediatric Strabismus and Amblyopia},
    Date-Added = {2017-09-11 00:07:41 +0000},
    Date-Modified = {2017-09-11 00:08:45 +0000},
    Doi = {10.1007/0-387-27925-3_2},
    Editor = {Wright, Kenneth W. and Spiegel, Peter H. and Thompson, Lisa S.},
    Isbn = {978-0-387-27925-1},
    Keywords = {Anatomy;Biology;anatomical data;physiology;Eyes;eye movements;biological data},
    Pages = {24--69},
    Publisher = {Springer New York},
    Title = {Anatomy and Physiology of Eye Movements},
    Url = {},
    Year = {2006},
\title{This document}
\author{This author}



I have cited this document \cite{wright2006}



与您在帖子标题中写的内容相反,给您带来麻烦的不是urldoi字段中的连字符。而是下划线字符:_。您需要在序言中加载url包,最好使用选项hyphens。这样,TeX 和 BibTeX 就不会尝试将其解释_为 url 或 doi 字符串中下标材料的发起者。



完整的 MWE (最小工作示例):


    Author = {Wright, Kenneth W.},
    Title  = {Anatomy and Physiology of Eye Movements},
    Editor = {Wright, Kenneth W. and Spiegel, Peter H. and Thompson, Lisa S.},
    Booktitle= {Handbook of Pediatric Strabismus and Amblyopia},
    Pages    = {24-69},
    Address  = {New York, NY},
    Publisher= {Springer},
    url      = {},
    Year     = {2006},
    Date-Added    = {2017-09-11 00:07:41 +0000},
    Date-Modified = {2017-09-11 00:08:45 +0000},
    Doi      = {10.1007/0-387-27925-3_2},
    Isbn     = {978-0-387-27925-1},
    Keywords = {Anatomy;Biology;anatomical data;physiology;Eyes;eye movements;biological data},

\usepackage[hyphens]{url} % <--- new

