这是 MWE 和相关图片。
\noindent \begin{bclogo}[barre = line, noborder = true, epBarre=2.0, logo=\ ]{} \vspace{0. em}\textit{#1} \end{bclogo}
\vspace*{-4.8 em}
\hspace{0.38 em}
\node (a) {};
\node (b) [below of=a] {};
\draw[-latex, line width = .2em] (a) -- (b);
\vspace*{-3.3 em}
Just a bit more text to be a relevant MWE. Just a bit more text to be a relevant MWE. Just a bit more text to be a relevant MWE. Just a bit more text to be a relevant MWE. Just a bit more text to be a relevant MWE. Just a bit more text to be a relevant MWE.
\transition{This is cut on two pages, while there is still a lot of space on the first one! I'm only writing a short transition between two parts but it stills skip a page. That is annoying.}
有人知道这个问题吗?我对 bclogos 了解不多,这个问题似乎与命令有关samepage
做,我也不读法语。所以我猜可能需要什么。这是纯 Ti钾Z 版本\transition
\newcommand\mylogo{\includegraphics[height=5mm]{cauldron}}% substitute whatever you want here
\node (a) [font=\itshape, align=justify, inner sep=0pt, text width=\linewidth-\parindent] {#2};
\draw [line width=.2em, -Latex] (a.north west) ++(-.75\parindent,0) coordinate (b) -- (a.south -| b);
\node (c) [anchor=south] at (b) {\mylogo};
\node [anchor=west, inner xsep=0pt, font=\sffamily\bfseries] at (c.center -| a.west) {#1};
Just a bit more text to be a relevant MWE.
Just a bit more text to be a relevant MWE.
Just a bit more text to be a relevant MWE.
Just a bit more text to be a relevant MWE.
Just a bit more text to be a relevant MWE.
Just a bit more text to be a relevant MWE.
Just a bit more text to be a relevant MWE.
Just a bit more text to be a relevant MWE.
Just a bit more text to be a relevant MWE.
\transition[Optional Title]{This is cut on two pages, while there is still a lot of space on the first one! I'm only writing a short transition between two parts but it stills skip a page. That is annoying.}