我试图在 Tikz 中绘制著名的焦耳扩展实验,并且借助许多(许多)其他主题我才成功完成它。
但是,它似乎相当慢,因为它需要 10 秒钟才能编译并显示最终图像。我认为我设计图表的方式不够高效,但我很难想出如何以不同的方式做到这一点。
\usepackage{pgfplots} \pgfplotsset{compat=newest}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 2]
\begin{scope}[xshift = -2cm]
\draw[name path = one] (-.2,.2) node (a){} -- (-.2,1) node (b){} -- (-1.5,1) node (c){} -- (-1.5,-1) node (d){} -- (-.2,-1) node (e){} -- (-.2,-.2) node (f){} -- (.2,-.2) node (g){} -- (.2,-1) node (h){} -- (1.5,-1) node (i){} -- (1.5,1) node (j){} -- (.2,1) node (k){} -- (.2,.2) node (l){} -- cycle;
\draw[white, name path = two] ($(a)+(.1,.1)$) -- ($(b)+(.1,.1)$) -- ($(c) + (-.1,.1)$) -- ($(d) + (-.1,-.1)$) -- ($(e) + (.1,-.1)$) -- ($(f) + (.1,-.1)$) -- ($(g) + (-.1,-.1)$) -- ($(h) + (-.1,-.1)$) -- ($(i) + (.1,-.1) $)-- ($(j) + (.1,.1)$) -- ($(k) + (-.1,.1)$) -- ($(l) + (-.1,.1)$) -- cycle;
\tikzfillbetween[of=two and one]{pattern=north east lines};
\draw (0,-.35) -- (0,.35) (-.1,.35) -- (.1,.35);
\clip (-.2,.2) -- (-.2,1) -- (-1.5,1) -- (-1.5,-1) -- (-.2,-1) -- (-.2,-.2) -- (0,-.2) -- (0,.2) -- cycle;
\foreach \i in {1,...,1000} \fill[red] (rand-.5, rand) circle (.25pt);
\draw[black, -stealth, line width = 1pt] (-.3,0) -- (.3,0);
\begin{scope}[xshift = 2cm]
\draw[name path = one] (-.2,.2) node (a){} -- (-.2,1) node (b){} -- (-1.5,1) node (c){} -- (-1.5,-1) node (d){} -- (-.2,-1) node (e){} -- (-.2,-.2) node (f){} -- (.2,-.2) node (g){} -- (.2,-1) node (h){} -- (1.5,-1) node (i){} -- (1.5,1) node (j){} -- (.2,1) node (k){} -- (.2,.2) node (l){} -- cycle;
\draw[white, name path = two] ($(a)+(.1,.1)$) -- ($(b)+(.1,.1)$) -- ($(c) + (-.1,.1)$) -- ($(d) + (-.1,-.1)$) -- ($(e) + (.1,-.1)$) -- ($(f) + (.1,-.1)$) -- ($(g) + (-.1,-.1)$) -- ($(h) + (-.1,-.1)$) -- ($(i) + (.1,-.1) $)-- ($(j) + (.1,.1)$) -- ($(k) + (-.1,.1)$) -- ($(l) + (-.1,.1)$) -- cycle;
\tikzfillbetween[of=two and one]{pattern=north east lines};
\draw[densely dashed] (0,-.35) -- (0,.35) (-.1,.35) -- (.1,.35);
\clip (-.2,.2) -- (-.2,1) -- (-1.5,1) -- (-1.5,-1) -- (-.2,-1) -- (-.2,-.2) -- (.2,-.2) -- (.2,-1) -- (1.5,-1) -- (1.5,1) -- (.2,1) -- (.2,.2) -- cycle;
\foreach \i in {1,...,1000} \fill[red] (2*rand, rand) circle (.25pt);
正如您所见,我制作形状的方式效果很好,但逐行制作似乎……很幼稚,即使它允许我“相当”轻松地定义用于制作东北线的白色路径。我想过使用 3 个矩形来制作连接的框,但这样图案制作似乎更困难。不过我相信有一种不那么困难的方法可以做到这一点。
感谢您的帮助 !
您可以使用垂直坐标(参见TikZ:箭头的 |- 符号到底起什么作用?) 以使代码更简洁一些。我还采用了不同的方法,定义一些描述腔室大小的常量,并使用相对坐标而不是绝对坐标。请注意,我使用了rnd
,它会生成介于 0 和 1 之间的数字,而不是 -1 和 1 之间的数字。
% define some constants used below
declare function={
H=4; % width of chamber
W=2; % height of chamber
sep=0.7; % distance between chambers
tochannel=1.5; % vertical distance from chamber edge to "channel"
pw=0.1; % width of hatched region
% draw outline
\draw[name path = one]
(0,0) coordinate (a) |-
++(W,H) coordinate (c) |-
++(sep,-tochannel) coordinate (e) |-
++(W,tochannel) coordinate (g) |-
++(-W,-H) coordinate (i) |-
++(-sep,tochannel) coordinate (k) |-
% define midpoints in channel
(c|-e) -- coordinate (mid1) (e)
(k-|e) -- coordinate (mid2) (k)
% make path around outer edge of hatched region
% don't need to draw the path, hence \path
\path[name path = two] ($(a) + (-pw,-pw)$) |- ($(c) + (pw, pw)$) |-
($(e) + (-pw, pw)$) |- ($(g) + (pw, pw)$) |-
($(i) + (-pw,-pw)$) |- ($(k) + (pw,-pw)$) |-
\tikzfillbetween[of=two and one]{pattern=north east lines};
% draw "gate" (or whatever it's called)
\draw ([yshift=-0.2cm*tochannel]mid2) -- ([yshift=0.2cm*tochannel]mid1)
++(sep/2-pw,0) -- ++(-sep+2*pw,0);
\clip (a) |- (c) |- (e) |- (mid1) |- (k) |- cycle;
\foreach \i in {1,...,1000}
\fill[red] ({rnd*(W+0.5*sep)}, H*rnd) circle[radius=0.25pt];
% second part
\draw[name path = one]
% modify only the starting coordinate
(2*W+sep+1,0) coordinate (a) |-
++(W,H) coordinate (c) |-
++(sep,-tochannel) coordinate (e) |-
++(W,tochannel) coordinate (g) |-
++(-W,-H) coordinate (i) |-
++(-sep,tochannel) coordinate (k) |-
% define midpoints in channel
(c|-e) -- coordinate (mid1) (e)
(k-|e) -- coordinate (mid2) (k)
\path[name path = two] ($(a) + (-pw,-pw)$) |- ($(c) + (pw, pw)$) |-
($(e) + (-pw, pw)$) |- ($(g) + (pw, pw)$) |-
($(i) + (-pw,-pw)$) |- ($(k) + (pw,-pw)$) |-
\tikzfillbetween[of=two and one]{pattern=north east lines};
\draw [densely dashed] ([yshift=-0.2cm*tochannel]mid2) -- ([yshift=0.2cm*tochannel]mid1)
++(sep/2-pw,0) -- ++(-sep+2*pw,0);
\clip (a) |- (c) |- (e) |- (g) |- (i) |- (k) |- cycle;
\foreach \i in {1,...,1000}
\fill[red] ($(a)+({rnd*(2*W+sep)}, H*rnd)$) circle[radius=.25pt];
% arrow in middle
\draw [-stealth, line width = 1pt] (a) ++(-0.75,H/2) -- ++(0.5,0);
% set number of points in chamber
% - area in channel covered by points is 0.5*sep*channelheight
% - area of chamber is H/W
% loop for chamber
\foreach \i in {1,...,\pointsInChamber}
\fill[red] (rnd*W, rnd*H) circle[radius=0.25pt];
% loop for channel
\foreach \i in {1,...,\pointsInChannel}
\fill[red] (W+rnd*sep/2, tochannel+rnd*channelheight) circle[radius=0.25pt];
% define some constants used below
declare function={
H=4; % width of chamber
W=2; % height of chamber
sep=0.7; % distance between chambers
tochannel=1.5; % vertical distance from chamber edge to "channel"
pw=0.1; % width of hatched region
% draw outline
\draw[name path = one]
(0,0) coordinate (a) |-
++(W,H) coordinate (c) |-
++(sep,-tochannel) coordinate (e) |-
++(W,tochannel) coordinate (g) |-
++(-W,-H) coordinate (i) |-
++(-sep,tochannel) coordinate (k) |-
% define midpoints in channel
(c|-e) -- coordinate (mid1) (e)
(k-|e) -- coordinate (mid2) (k)
% make path around outer edge of hatched region
% don't need to draw the path
\path[name path = two] ($(a) + (-pw,-pw)$) |- ($(c) + (pw, pw)$) |-
($(e) + (-pw, pw)$) |- ($(g) + (pw, pw)$) |-
($(i) + (-pw,-pw)$) |- ($(k) + (pw,-pw)$) |-
\tikzfillbetween[of=two and one]{pattern=north east lines};
% draw "gate" (or whatever it's called)
\draw ([yshift=-0.2cm*tochannel]mid2) -- ([yshift=0.2cm*tochannel]mid1)
++(sep/2-pw,0) -- ++(-sep+2*pw,0);
\foreach \i in {1,...,\pointsInChamber}
\fill[red] (rnd*W, rnd*H) circle[radius=0.25pt];
\foreach \i in {1,...,\pointsInChannel}
\fill[red] (W+rnd*sep/2, tochannel+rnd*channelheight) circle[radius=0.25pt];
% second part
\draw[name path = one]
% modify only the starting coordinate
(2*W+sep+1,0) coordinate (a) |-
++(W,H) coordinate (c) |-
++(sep,-tochannel) coordinate (e) |-
++(W,tochannel) coordinate (g) |-
++(-W,-H) coordinate (i) |-
++(-sep,tochannel) coordinate (k) |-
% define midpoints in channel
(c|-e) -- coordinate (mid1) (e)
(k-|e) -- coordinate (mid2) (k)
\path[name path = two] ($(a) + (-pw,-pw)$) |- ($(c) + (pw, pw)$) |-
($(e) + (-pw, pw)$) |- ($(g) + (pw, pw)$) |-
($(i) + (-pw,-pw)$) |- ($(k) + (pw,-pw)$) |-
\tikzfillbetween[of=two and one]{pattern=north east lines};
\draw [densely dashed] ([yshift=-0.2cm*tochannel]mid2) -- ([yshift=0.2cm*tochannel]mid1)
++(sep/2-pw,0) -- ++(-sep+2*pw,0);
\foreach \i in {1,...,\pointsInChamber}
\fill[red] ($(a)+(rnd*W, rnd*H)$) circle[radius=0.25pt];
\foreach \i in {1,...,\pointsInChannel}
\fill[red] ($(a)+(W+rnd*sep, tochannel+rnd*channelheight)$) circle[radius=0.25pt];
\foreach \i in {1,...,\pointsInChamber}
\fill[red] ($(i)+(rnd*W, rnd*H)$) circle[radius=0.25pt];
% arrow in middle
\draw [-stealth, line width = 1pt] (a) ++(-0.75,H/2) -- ++(0.5,0);