事实上,我已经使用 circuitikz 包绘制了一个电气方案,但是当我尝试使用 0.5 的比例来缩小电路尺寸时,电气元件仍然保持其大小。因为我想并排显示两个电路。以下是代码:
\begin{circuitikz}[scale=1.2][american voltages]
(0,0) to [open,v>=${v}_{ds}$] (0,4)
to [short, *- ,i=${i}_{ds}$] (0.5,4)
to [R, l=$R_s$] (2,4)
to [L, l=$X_s$] (4,4)
to [european voltage source, l_=${\omega}_s {\phi}_{qs}$] (4.5,4)
(4.5,4) to [short, -] (5,4)
(5,4) to [L, l_=$X_m$] (5,0)
(5,4) to [european voltage source, l_=${\omega}_r {\phi}_{qr}$] (6.5,4)
to [L, l=$X_r$] (7.5,4)
to [R, l=$R_r$] (9.8,4)
to [short, -* ,i<=${i}_{dr}$] (10,4)
(10,0) to [open, v>=${v}_{dr}$] (10,4)
(0,0) to [short, *-*] (10,0);
\begin{circuitikz}[scale=0.5][american voltages]
\usepackage[straightvoltages, european]{circuitikz}
\begin{circuitikz}[ scale=0.5, % i would rather scale 0.6, if possible
font=\footnotesize % <-- smaller font
\ctikzset{bipoles/length=7mm} % <-- smaller bipole elements
\draw (0,0) to [open,v>=$v_{ds}$] (0,4)
to [short, *- ,i=$i_{ds}$] (0.5,4)
to [R, l=$R_s$] (2,4)
to [L, l=$X_s$] (3.5,4)
to [V, l_=$\omega_s \phi_{qs}$] (5,4)
(5,4) to [short] (5.5,4)
(5.25,4)to [L, l_=$X_m$, *-*] (5.25,0)
(5.5,4) to [V, l_=$\omega_r \phi_{qr}$] (7,4)
to [L, l=$X_r$] (8.5,4)
to [R, l=$R_r$] (10,4)
to [short, -* ,i<=$i_{dr}$] (10.5,4)
to [open, v^<=$v_{dr}$] (10.5,0)
(0,0) to [short, *-*] (10.5,0);