如何在 beamer 的标题页中包含两名团队成员的照片?

如何在 beamer 的标题页中包含两名团队成员的照片?

这个问题是如何在 Beamer 的标题页中对齐多个作者的姓名、职位和机构?. 并且观看照片的圆圈是从如何在投影仪幻灯片中显示图像的圆圈部分?


我的尝试源代码在这里 -

  \title{Cross-Layer  Resource  Allocation with  elastic service scaling in Cloud Radio access network}
  \clip (0,0) circle (1);
\node at (0.62,-3) {\includegraphics{example-image-a}}; %<-you'll need to adjust these
% coordinates, I do not have your original picture
\centering Md.Al-Helal\\Roll:SH-51}\hspace{1cm}
  \clip (0,0) circle (1);
\node at (0.62,-3) {\includegraphics{example-image-a}}; %<-you'll need to adjust these
% coordinates, I do not have your original picture
{\centering Jobayed Ullah\\Roll:EK-107}}
\institute{Computer Science \& Engineering\\CSEDU}
  \title{Cross-Layer  Resource  Allocation with  elastic service scaling in Cloud Radio access network}
  \author{Jianhua Tang\\ Wee Pen Tay\\ Tony Q. S. Quek}
\institute{IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol 14, no. 9}
\date{September 2015}



  • 缺少或放错括号导致文本超出框架环境。Beamer 尝试通过插入额外的框架来挽救这种情况

  • 正如@marmot 在他的评论中解释的那样,overlayarea将与覆盖结合使用

  • 如果您弄乱了作者定义而不是重新定义标题页模板,则相同的定义也将用于页脚中的作者,从而导致框架底部出现额外的图像。您可以通过提供简短的作者姓名来解决这个问题,但在我看来,重新定义标题页会更好。

  • 您的标题和机构对于脚注来说太长了,您应该给出一个简短的替代方案



\title[short title]{Cross-Layer  Resource  Allocation with  elastic service scaling in Cloud Radio access network}

\author[author names]{%
            \clip (0,0) circle (1);
            \node at (0.62,-3) {\includegraphics{example-image-a}};
        \centering Md.Al-Helal\\Roll:SH-51
            \clip (0,0) circle (1);
            \node at (0.62,-3) {\includegraphics{example-image-a}};
        \centering Jobayed Ullah\\Roll:EK-107

\institute[short inst.]{Computer Science \& Engineering\\CSEDU}



