我在网上闲逛时偶然发现了http://graphicalcooking.co。这是一种有吸引力的格式,我对自己说:“TikZ 可以做到这一点!”它确实可以做到。我今天早上一直在努力解决这个问题,并得出了以下结论。我唯一的问题是食谱说明中连接六边形的线条。我想不出一种方法来让各种线条相互交叉(在圆圈位置),而无需明确计算距离。如果有一个宏\connect
TikZ 库。有什么建议吗?我希望我已经对代码进行了充分的注释,这样就不会出现任何谜团了……我提供了几个示例,说明目前虚构的\connect
%% Compare with http://graphicalcooking.co
\def\fr#1/#2 {\sfrac{#1}{#2} }
\tikzset{% Simplify using TikZ pics
pics/hex/.style n args={4}{% #1= name; #2=color; #3 top in bold; #4 bottom in italics
very thick,
rounded corners=3pt,
regular polygon,
regular polygon sides=6,
shape border rotate=90, %% !!
inner sep=0pt,
minimum size=\minsize,
inner sep=0pt,
] (#1) at (0,0) {};
\node[text width=0.95\minsize,align=center] at (#1)
\tikzset{rc/.style = {rounded corners=3pt}}
\pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\movehex}{cos(30) * \minsize} %% (0,0) to *side* of hexagon
\pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\branchln}{(\movehex+\skipln)/2/cos(30)} %% length of line after bend
%% Create the hexagons
\pic at (0,0) {hex={A}{blue}{Parmesan}{\fr1/4 cup}};
\pic at (\movehex+\skipln,0.0in) {hex={C}{green!70!black}{Lettuce}{\fr1/2 head}};
\pic at (2*\movehex+2*\skipln,0.0in) {hex={D}{orange}{Carrot}{1}};
\pic at (0.5*\movehex+\skipln/2,-\movehex+\skipln/2) {hex={B}{red}{Tomato}{1}};
\pic at (1.5*\movehex+3*\skipln/2,-\movehex+\skipln/2) {hex={E}{purple}{Red Onion}{\fr1/4 }};
\pic at ($(E) + (\movehex+\skipln,0)$) {hex={F}{yellow!80!green}{EVOO}{\fr1/4 cup}};
\pic at ($(F) + (\movehex+\skipln,0)$) {hex={G}{pink}{Red Wine\\Vinegar}{\fr1/8 cup}};
\coordinate (t1) at ($(B)!.5!(E)$);
\path (t1) -- ++(0,-3.5in) coordinate (t2);
%% Draw the connections
%% This would be neater with a macro something like (\connect yet to be defined!):
%% \connect{1.75in}{B.south}{C.south}{0.85in}{Place in bowl} where
%% #1=vertical displacement; #2=source coordinate; #3=coordinate with which to align end of connector
%% #4=vertical displacement for instruction; #5=instruction
%% Would also allow for arbitrary placement of hexagons
\draw[thick] (C.south) -- (t2);
\draw[rc,blue] (B.south) -- ++(0,-1.75in) -- ++(-30:\branchln) node[circle,draw] {};
%% or \connect{-1.75in}{B.south}{C.south}{0.85in}{Place in bowl}
\draw[rc] (E.south) -- ++(0,-1.5in) -- ++(210:\branchln) node[circle,draw] {};
\draw[rc,red] (A.south) -- ++(0,-1.75in) -- ++(-30:\branchln) node[circle,draw] {};
%% or \connect{-1.5in}{A.south}{B.south}{0.5in}{Slice}
\draw[rc] (D.south) -- ++(0,-2.5in) -- ++(210:2*\branchln) node[circle,draw] {};
\draw[rc] (F.south) -- ++(0,-0.25in) -- ++(-30:\branchln) node[circle,draw] {};
\draw[rc] (G.south) -- ++(0,-0.25in) -- ++(210:\branchln) coordinate (i1);
\draw[rc] (i1) -- ++(0,-1in) -- ++(210:4*\branchln) node[circle,draw] {};
%% Ingredient instructions
\node[below=0.85in of C.south,fill=white] {Place in bowl};
\node[below=1.0in of A.south,fill=white] {Grate};
\node[below=0.5in of B.south,fill=white] {Slice};
\node[below=1.0in of E.south,fill=white] {Dice};
\node[below=1.25in of D.south,fill=white] {Chop};
\node[below=0.25in of i1,fill=white] {Mix in blender};
\node[draw,fill=white,rounded corners=3pt] at (t2) {\strut Toss \& Serve};
\pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\movehex}{cos(30) * \minsize}
\pic at (0,-5.25in) {hex={P}{blue}{Parmesan}{}};
\pic at ($(P) + (-60:\movehex+\skipln)$) {hex={Q}{green!70!black}{blue/Z2}{}};
\pic at ($(P) + (\movehex+\skipln,0)$) {hex={R}{orange}{Cheddar\\xxx}{}};
\pic at ($(R) + (\movehex+\skipln,0)$) {hex={S}{purple}{Eggplant\\yyy}{}};
\pic at ($(Q) + (\movehex+\skipln,0)$) {hex={T}{yellow}{Cream\\zzz}{}};
%% Compare with http://graphicalcooking.co
\makeatletter % from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/412901/121799
\newcommand{\Distance}[3]{% % from https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/56353/121799
\node[above=#2 of #4,circle,draw,#1] (y){};
\coordinate (x) at (y-|#3);
\ifthenelse {\isempty{#6}}{\draw[rc,#1] (#3) -- ($(x)+(0,0.6*\myDst)$)--(y.center);}{%
\draw[rc,#1] (#3) -- ($(x)+(0,0.6*\myDst)$) node[pos=#5,fill=white]{#6}-- (y.center);}
\def\fr#1/#2 {\sfrac{#1}{#2} }
\tikzset{% Simplify using TikZ pics
pics/hex/.style n args={4}{% #1= name; #2=color; #3 top in bold; #4 bottom in italics
very thick,
rounded corners=3pt,
regular polygon,
regular polygon sides=6,
shape border rotate=90, %% !!
inner sep=0pt,
minimum size=\minsize,
inner sep=0pt,
] (#1) at (0,0) {};
\node[text width=0.95\minsize,align=center] at (#1)
\tikzset{rc/.style = {rounded corners=3pt}}
%% \connect{1.75in}{B.south}{C.south}{0.85in}{Place in bowl} where
%% #1=vertical displacement; #2=source coordinate; #3=coordinate with which to align end of connector
%% #4=vertical displacement for instruction; #5=instruction
%% Would also allow for arbitrary placement of hexagons
\pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\movehex}{cos(30) * \minsize} %% (0,0) to *side* of hexagon
\pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\branchln}{(\movehex+\skipln)/2/cos(30)} %% length of line after bend
%% Create the hexagons
\pic at (0,0) {hex={A}{blue}{Parmesan}{\fr1/4 cup}};
\pic at (\movehex+\skipln,0.0in) {hex={C}{green!70!black}{Lettuce}{\fr1/2 head}};
\pic at (2*\movehex+2*\skipln,0.0in) {hex={D}{orange}{Carrot}{1}};
\pic at (0.5*\movehex+\skipln/2,-\movehex+\skipln/2) {hex={B}{red}{Tomato}{1}};
\pic at (1.5*\movehex+3*\skipln/2,-\movehex+\skipln/2) {hex={E}{purple}{Red Onion}{\fr1/4 }};
\pic at ($(E) + (\movehex+\skipln,0)$) {hex={F}{yellow!80!green}{EVOO}{\fr1/4 cup}};
\pic at ($(F) + (\movehex+\skipln,0)$) {hex={G}{pink}{Red Wine\\Vinegar}{\fr1/8 cup}};
\coordinate (t1) at ($(B)!.5!(E)$);
\path (t1) -- ++(0,-3.5in) coordinate (t2);
\draw[thick] (C.south) -- (t2) node[pos=0.3,fill=white]{Place in bowl};
\node[draw,fill=white,rounded corners=3pt] at (t2) {\strut Toss \& Serve};
% explanation: the `\Connect` command defines two nodes, x and y,
% which always get overwritten. I am using the x node from the previous
X \Connect here
\coordinate(dummy) at ($(F.south)!0.5!(G.south)+(0,-1in)$);
\Connect[thick]{0.25in}{dummy.south}{t2.north}{0.25}{Mix in blender}