\smartdiagram[descriptive diagram]{
{Cat. 1,{ \begin{itemize}
\item Define shapes, colors, shading,
\item and line styles for nodes and arrows
\item new item
\item another item
\item one more
\item OK, I lied
{Position, {Place nodes using a matrix,
relative or absolute positioning}},
{Relation, Insert edges or arrows
between selected nodes},
{Label, Add labels on edges or arrows}}
我从文档中找到了\smartdiagramset{descriptive items y sep=SOMEVALUE}
\smartdiagramset{descriptive items y sep=90pt}
\smartdiagram[descriptive diagram]{
{Cat. 1,{\begin{itemize}
\item Define shapes, colors, shading,
\item and line styles for nodes and arrows
\item new item
\item another item
\item one more
\item OK, I lied
{Position, {Place nodes using a matrix,
relative or absolute positioning}},
{Relation, Insert edges or arrows
between selected nodes},
{Label, Add labels on edges or arrows}}
如您所见,此后所有距离都相同,并且此命令不会帮助您在第一次使用后重新定义“sep”。 (至少我没有这样做)。 如果您想在第一次使用后修改 sep,请告诉我以便进一步查看。 但我认为它应该保持不变。
编辑(第二个版本的答案,一开始我误解了这个问题:-( ): 使用 puretikz
\documentclass[tikz, border=10pt]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{backgrounds, chains, positioning, shadows}
node distance = 2mm and 0mm,
start chain = going below,
box/.style = {rectangle, rounded corners, draw=gray, very thick,
minimum height=16mm, text width=60mm, align=flush center,
top color=#1!90, bottom color=#1!10,
drop shadow, on chain},
cir/.style = {circle, draw=gray, very thick,
minimum size=16mm, inner sep=2pt, outer sep=0pt,
top color=#1, bottom color=#1!10,
drop shadow},
\node (n1) [box=red] {\begin{itemize}[nosep, leftmargin=*]
\item Define shapes, colors, shading,
\item and line styles for nodes and arrows
\item new item
\item another item
\item one more
\item OK, I lied
\node (n2) [box=cyan] {Place nodes using a matrix,
relative or absolute positioning};
\node (n3) [box=blue] {Insert edges or arrows
between selected nodes};
\node (n4) [box=green] {Add labels on edges or arrows};
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\node [cir=red, left=of n1] {Cat. 1};
\node [cir=cyan, left=of n2] {Position};
\node [cir=blue, left=of n3] {Relation};
\node [cir=green,left=of n4] {Label};