

我正在用 Latex 写 B5 格式的论文。在正文中,我可以很好地处理图形的浮动。但在支持信息部分,我有大量图像(仅在不同部分/小节下的图像),我想在一页上放置 2 张图片。但编译后,我在一页上只得到一张图片,这大大增加了总页数。




      \@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
       {\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%

%%% For an A4 format, use there options instead

            $\underset{\raisebox{0.5ex}{$\smash -$}}{\smash+}$%

%%% Fonts, uncomment only one option %%%

%%% If you want to use MakeIndex to create automatically
% an index, uncomment these lines
\usepackage{makeidx}     % only with Latex2e

% Other packages
% \usepackage{subfig}
\usepackage[super,numbers,sort&compress]{natbib}  %coma




% \usepackage{showframe}



% \usepackage{pstricks-add}%pst-char,,pst-text,ae,pst-grad,pst-slpe
% \usepackage{lmodern,pst-node}

% \renewcommand{\thesubfigure}{} 

% dblfloatfix fixes two floatpages after each other
    % Alter some LaTeX defaults for better treatment of figures:
    % See p.105 of "TeX Unbound" for suggested values.
    % See pp. 199-200 of Lamport's "LaTeX" book for details.
    %   General parameters, for ALL pages:
    \renewcommand{\topfraction}{0.9}    % max fraction of floats at top
    \renewcommand{\bottomfraction}{0.8} % max fraction of floats at bottom
    %   Parameters for TEXT pages (not float pages):
    \setcounter{totalnumber}{4}     % 2 may work better was 4
    \setcounter{dbltopnumber}{2}    % for 2-column pages
    \renewcommand{\dbltopfraction}{0.9} % fit big float above 2-col. text
    \renewcommand{\textfraction}{0.07}  % allow minimal text w. figs
%   Parameters for FLOAT pages (not text pages):
    \renewcommand{\floatpagefraction}{0.7}  % require fuller float pages was 0.7
    % N.B.: floatpagefraction MUST be less than topfraction !!
    \renewcommand{\dblfloatpagefraction}{0.7}   % require fuller float pages 0.7

\listsubcaptions % Finish the last set of sub-floats before
\def\@captype{#1}}% switching to another float type.

%%% Path to the directorz containing the graphics and figures 
%%% General page formatting

 \end{center} \small \it \begin{quote}}

% Macro for 'List of Symbols', 'List of Notations' etc...
\def\listofsymbols{\input{symbols} \clearpage}
\def\addsymbol #1: #2#3{$#1$ \> \parbox{4.6in}{#2 \dotfill \pageref{#3}}\\}



% \def\@mb@citenamelist{cite,citep,citet,citealp,citealt,footcite,nocite}

% Initialize each paper type for which you need a bibliography.
% Just a dummy parameter is necessary.
% \newcites{p}{Publications}
%\newcites{journal,conf,techreport,submitpaper}{Journal Papers,Conference Papers,Technical Reports, Submitted Papers}%Journal Papers


%%% To compile only one or some chapters, use the following
%   command 
% \includeonly{chapter1,chapter2,chapter3,chapter4,appendix_A}

% Morerow Comments
% \newcommand{\comment}[1]{{}} 

% correct bad hyphenation here
% TODO hyphenation
%\hyphenation{qua-dra-tic SRBCT pre-ser-va-tion Min-kow-ski a-dapt-ive de-ri-va-tive pat-ches pre-serv-ing re-sul-ting Em-bedd-ing 
%where-by uni-form de-ri-va-ti-ves con-ti-nu-ous-ly wille-keurige voor-ge-steld}
% solve hyphenation that contain a dash like electromagnetic-endioscopy: electromagnetic\hyp{}endioscopy
% high\hyp{}dimensional

% \usepackage{scrwfile}
% \usepackage{xy}%etex
% \xyoption{all} 

%%% Begining of the document 

\subsection{Section Name}
    \caption{caption 1}

    \caption{caption 2}

    \caption{caption 3}

    \caption{caption 4}



\subsection{Section Name}
\caption{caption 1}

\caption{caption 2}

\caption{caption 3}

\caption{caption 4}


以下是我得到的截图: 在此处输入图片描述

我想要的是: 在此处输入图片描述




(1)显然,始终避免 [H](至少对于这个目标而言)。



或者,您可以将多张图片放在一个浮动框中,但这并不能免除 (3) 的问题,只会使选项变得[tbp]无关紧要(只要浮动框的高度接近整个文本区域的高度)。这种方法的唯一优点是强制合并图片(即使它们根本不适合页面),但正是出于这个原因,通常最好使用两个浮动框并使用适当的选项:




% Just to simplify the posterior code

\lipsum[1] % dummy text

% [p] option is good if you want two images in one page

% option here is superfluous (except if you use also "b" or "t") 

% [p] option still works! 

% options here agian is superfluous 

% Images too big per only one page  
% Use [t], [b] or [tp] but not [p] if you want avoid a centered image without text around
% (maybe not a bad idea after all ...) 

\begin{figure}[tb!] \wideimage{example-image-16x9}\captionlipsum\end{figure}\lipsum[5]


% Two images in a float to maintain together. Not a good idea in this case ....    

% ... unless you take care of the image size

