

我试图为学校制作一张表格,必须按照 OCTAVE allegro 方法完成。在表格的最后一行,我有一个嵌套表格,但我的分隔符longtable影响了嵌套tabular,并且垂直线与我的文本相交。

         Allegro Worksheet 8 &\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Critical Information Asset Profile} \\
        \makecell*[{{p{11em}}}]{\textbf{(1) Critical Asset} \\ \\
        \textit{What is the critical information asset?}} &
        \makecell*[{{p{14em}}}]{\textbf{(2) Rationale for Selection}  \\ \\
        \textit{Why is this information asset important to
        the organization?}} & 
        \makecell*[{{p{11em}}}]{\textbf{(3) Description}\\ \\
        \textit{What is the agreed-upon description of
        this information asset?}} \\
        \multicolumn{1}{|p{5cm}|}{\textbf{ text goes here}} 
        \multicolumn{1}{|p{4cm}|}{\textbf{Text goes here}}
        \multicolumn{1}{|p{5cm}|}{\textbf{text goes here}} \\ 
        \multicolumn{2}|{l|}{\makecell*[{{p{16em}}}]{\textbf{(4) Owner(s)}\\ \\
        \textit{Who owns this information asset?}}} &\\
        \multicolumn{2}|{l|}{\makecell*[{{p{16em}}}]{\textbf{ Answer goes here.................}}} &\\
         \item \textbf{Confidentiality}
        Only authorized personnel can view this information asset, as follows:
         \item \textbf{Integrity}
        Only authorized personnel can view this information asset, as follows:
         \item \textbf{Availability}
        \makecell*[{{p{14em}}}]{This asset must be available for these personnel to do their jobs, as follows:
        \\ \\
        This asset must be available for ... hours, ... days/week, ... weeks/year. } 
        \\ \\ } 
        \\ \hline
         \item \textbf{Other}
        Only authorized personnel can view this information asset, as follows:
        \multicolumn{2}|{l}{\makecell*[{{p{30em}}}]{\textbf{(6) Most important Security Requirement}\\ \\
        \textit{What is the most important security requirement for this information asset.?}}} &\\
         \item \textbf{Confidentiality}
         \item \textbf{Integrity}
         \item \textbf{Availability}
         \item \textbf{Other}
         \end{tabular} \\



                   topsep = 0pt,
                   partopsep = 0pt,
                   before = \vspace{-0.6\baselineskip},

    Allegro Worksheet 8 &\multicolumn{2}{c|}{Critical Information Asset Profile} \\
    \textbf{(1) Critical Asset} & \textbf{(2) Rationale for Selection} & \textbf{(3) Description} \\[1ex]
    \textit{What is the critical information asset?} &
    \textit{Why is this information asset important to the organization?} & 
    \textit{What is the agreed-upon description of  this information asset?} \\
    \textbf{ text goes here} 
    \textbf{Text goes here}
    \textbf{text goes here} \\ 
    \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\textbf{(4) Owner(s)}}\\[1ex]
    \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\textit{Who owns this information asset?}}\\
    \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\textbf{ Answer goes here.................}}\\
     \item Confidentiality
    Only authorized personnel can view this information asset, as follows:
     \item Integrity
    Only authorized personnel can view this information asset, as follows:
    \item Availability
   \makecell[{{m{4.6cm}}}t]{This asset must be available for these personnel to do their jobs, as follows:
   \\This asset must be available for ... hours, ... days/week, ... weeks/year. }
    \item Other
   Only authorized personnel can view this information asset, as follows:
   \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\textbf{(6) Most important Security Requirement}}\\[1ex]
   \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\textit{What is the most important security requirement for this information asset.?}}\\
    \item Confidentiality
    \item Integrity
    \item Availability
    \item Other
    \end{tabular} }\\




  • 将嵌套表格置于多列环境中以消除垂直线
  • 删除了不必要的\multicolumn 命令
  • 定义新的自定义列表以摆脱重复的\renewcommand\labelitemi{$\square$}命令\textbf
  • 删除了一些|导致线条粗细不一致的问题
  • 删除了大部分makecell命令。
  • ...

一般性评论:由于所有垂直和水平线,您的表格看起来非常拥挤。因此,在接下来的 MWE 中,我删除了所有线条,而是从booktabs包中插入了一些水平线以及一些空白作为眼睛的引导:

                       topsep = 0pt,
                       partopsep = 0pt,
                       before = \vspace{-0.6\baselineskip},

    Allegro Worksheet 8 &\multicolumn{2}{c}{Critical Information Asset Profile} \\
    \textbf{(1) Critical Asset} & \textbf{(2) Rationale for Selection} & \textbf{(3) Description} \\[1ex]
    \textit{What is the critical information asset?} &
    \textit{Why is this information asset important to the organization?} & 
    \textit{What is the agreed-upon description of  this information asset?} \\
    \textbf{ text goes here} 
    \textbf{Text goes here}
    \textbf{text goes here} \\ 
    \multicolumn{3}{l}{\textbf{(4) Owner(s)}}\\[1ex]
    \multicolumn{3}{l}{\textit{Who owns this information asset?}}\\
    \multicolumn{3}{l}{\textbf{ Answer goes here.................}}\\
     \item Confidentiality
    Only authorized personnel can view this information asset, as follows:
    \\ \addlinespace
     \item Integrity
    Only authorized personnel can view this information asset, as follows:
   \\  \addlinespace
    \item Availability
   \makecell[{{m{4.6cm}}}t]{This asset must be available for these personnel to do their jobs, as follows:
   \\This asset must be available for ... hours, ... days/week, ... weeks/year. }
   \\ \addlinespace
    \item Other
   Only authorized personnel can view this information asset, as follows:
   \multicolumn{3}{l}{\textbf{(6) Most important Security Requirement}}\\[1ex]
   \multicolumn{3}{l}{\textit{What is the most important security requirement for this information asset.?}}\\
    \item Confidentiality
    \item Integrity
    \item Availability
    \item Other
    \end{tabular} }\\


