我没有正式的平面设计背景。我正在为学生准备一份简短的讲义。目前,有大约 10 页纵向的 pdf 讲义,最终我还想制作一份横向的 Beamer 演示文稿。
我粘贴第一页是为了提供迄今为止尝试过的内容和 MWE 的示例。
\usepackage[usenames, dvipsnames]{color}
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\begin{bclogo}[couleur=blue!10, arrondi=0.1, logo=\hspace{.1pt}, ombre=true, barre=none]{}\centering}
\textbf{\Large{The Simple Rule of Three}}
Many times in chemistry we need to figure out how much of one thing we need to make a different thing. There is a math technique we use called \textit{The Simple Rule of Three} to help you calculate this. We call the resulting setup a \textit{proportion} and use \textit{cross-multiplication} to find the answer.
Here is a very simple example. Let's begin by saying you have four apple trees. You collect all the apples and count them. You have 300 apples. So far, so good, right?
Now comes the fun part. You want to start an applesauce factory, but you need at least 1000 apples to make that applesauce. How many trees do you need so that you can collect 1000 apples? Well you can use \textit{The Simple rule of Three} to find the answer.
First you set up the information you know, "Four trees gives 300 apple," which can be written like this ...
\begin {rodbox}
4 trees = 300 apples
Then you add the information you are trying to calculate exactly underneath.
$\frac{\colorbox{blue!10}{4 trees}}{\colorbox{blue!10}{How many trees?}} = \frac{\colorbox{blue!10}{300 apples}}{\colorbox{blue!10}{1000 apples}}$
Now comes the \textit{cross-multiplication} part. Let's replace the "How many trees?" with an X.
\psset{boxsize=.2,linewidth=.5pt,linecolor=black!30,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=black!15}% Boxes
\frac{\Rnode{lt}{\psframebox[fillcolor=red!30,linecolor=red]{\strut{4 \textnormal{ trees}}}}}{\Rnode{lb}{\psframebox[fillcolor=green!30,linecolor=green]{\strut{\textnormal{X}}}}} \rnode{eq}{\phantom{=}} \frac{\Rnode{rt}{\psframebox[fillcolor=green!30,linecolor=green]{\strut{300\textnormal{ apples}}}}}{\Rnode{rb}{\psframebox[fillcolor=red!30,linecolor=red]{1000\textnormal{ apples}}}}
Then we match up the values.
4 trees * 1000 apples = 300 apples * X trees
$\textnormal{X trees} = \frac{\colorbox{red!30}{\strut{4 \textnormal{ trees}}} * \colorbox{red!30}{\strut{1000\textnormal{ apples}}}}{\colorbox{green!30}{\strut{300\textnormal{ apples}}}} = \frac{\colorbox{blue!10}{4000}}{\colorbox{blue!10}{300}} = \colorbox{blue!10}{13.33 \textnormal{ trees}}$
So we know that we will need to have a total of 14 trees (sig figs!) to get enough apples to make applesauce.
See, how simple was that? Are you ready to try this with some real chemistry?