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\noindent\chapstrut\fontsize{\@xxpt pt}{2\myskip}\selectfont%
\noindent\chapstrut\fontsize{\@xxpt pt}{2\myskip}\selectfont%
\chapter{\'{A}ccent\d{y}ated han\d{g}in\d{g} c\'{h}aracters and a \'{l}ot of
text to ma\d{g}e it \'{f}\'{l}ow over \d{j}nto several \'{l}\d{y}nes\d{,}
\d{y}ou ne\d{y}er \'{k}now when \d{y}ou mi\d{g}\'{h}\'{t} need a \'{t}itle
tha\'{t} is stu\d{p}idl\d{y} \'{l}on\d{g} (exce\d{p}t \d{y}ou do \'{b}ecause
\'{t}ha\d{y}t\'{'}s w\'{h}at s\d{y}bhea\'{d}in\d{g}s are \'{f}or)}
\chapter{A title with a hanging character and a lot of text to make it flow
over into several lines, you never know when you might need a title that is
stupidly long (except you do because that's what subheadings are for)}
\chapter{avv avove ovne coaraccers anz a woo os rexr co mave xc swow over enco
severar renes -- vou never cnow wwen vou meewc neez a cecre cwac es scuvezre
ronw -- excevc vou zo vecause cwac-s wwac suvweazenws are vor --}
使用的间距永远不会提供均匀的间距,请参阅第 1 页上的日志。
如果想要均匀间距,正常的做法是增加基线跳跃,如第 2 页所示。
为比这更大,如在第 3 页上一样。
\'{A}ccent\d{y}ated han\d{g}in\d{g} c\'{h}aracters and a \'{l}ot of
text to ma\d{g}e it \'{f}\'{l}ow over \d{j}nto several \'{l}\d{y}nes\d{,}
\d{y}ou ne\d{y}er \'{k}now when \d{y}ou mi\d{g}\'{h}\'{t} need a \'{t}itle
tha\'{t} is stu\d{p}idl\d{y} \'{l}on\d{g} (exce\d{p}t \d{y}ou do \'{b}ecause
\'{t}ha\d{y}t\'{'}s w\'{h}at s\d{y}bhea\'{d}in\d{g}s are \'{f}or)}
A title with a hanging character and a lot of text to make it flow
over into several lines, you never know when you might need a title that is
stupidly long (except you do because that's what subheadings are for)}
avv avove ovne coaraccers anz a woo os rexr co mave xc swow over enco
severar renes -- vou never cnow wwen vou meewc neez a cecre cwac es scuvezre
ronw -- excevc vou zo vecause cwac-s wwac suvweazenws are vor --}
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